Cleaning a Glass Stove Top with Vinegar & Water
Make a 1:1 solution of distilled white vinegar and water. Pour it into a spray bottle and spray a generous layer over the entire stovetop. If you see any food build-up or grease, let the solution sit on those areas for 1-2 minutes before wiping the stove top surface with a clean, damp microfiber cloth. Make sure the stove top is turned off and cold to the touch before using any type of cleaner on it.
Cleaning a Glass Stove Top with Baking Soda
Sprinkle baking soda over the dirty areas of the stove top. Lay a microfiber cloth soaked in warm water or in a 1:1 vinegar and water cleaning solution over the baking soda. Leave it for 15-30 minutes, then rinse the cloth out in and use it to rub the baking soda around the stove top. Finish by wiping the surface clean with a soft sponge soaked in cold water.
Cleaning a Glass Stove Top with Barkeeper's Friend
Sprinkle Barkeeper's Friend all over your stove top. Dampen a sponge and rub the Barkeeper's Friend powder into the stove top using circular motions. Let the solution sit for 1 minute before rinsing out your sponge, then rub it or a damp microfiber cloth over the stove top to remove the cleanser.
Cleaning a Glass Stove Top with The Pink Stuff
Scoop a generous amount of The Pink Stuff onto a damp sponge or cloth. Then work The Pink Stuff into the stove top in circular motions, giving special attention to greasy areas and baked-on food. Then rinse out the sponge or cloth with water and use it to wipe the stove top clean.
How to Get Burn Rings & Stains Off a Glass Stove Top
Spray a 1:1 vinegar and water solution onto the burn stains. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes, then wipe up the solution with a damp microfiber cloth. If the stains are still there, make a paste with baking soda and water and spread it over the stains. Cover the paste with a damp cloth and leave it for 30 minutes. Gently scrub the area with a soft sponge and then wipe up the paste with a clean cloth.
How to Clean Baked-on Food from a Glass Stove Top
Apply a baking soda and water paste to the baked-on food. Cover the area with a damp cloth and let it sit for 30 minutes. After that, use a sponge or the cloth to gently scrub the food away. Finish by wiping the area down with a clean cloth. If the food doesn't come loose after you follow the above steps, spray the stain with water or a homemade vinegar solution. Next, use a wet razor blade or wet pumice stone to carefully scrape up the food particles. Work the blade or pumice in one direction only. According to cleaning expert Ashley Matuska, the key to avoid scratching your glass stove top is to keep it and the razor blade or pumice stone wet. Another tip she shared is to angle the razor blade low and work slowly with whatever scraping implement you choose.
How to Clean Water Spots from a Glass Stove Top
Apply a cleanser to clean any hard water spots from the stove top. If the cleanser alone doesn't work, apply a baking soda and water paste to the spots, and wait 15-20 minutes. Next, take a microfiber cloth and buff the area in a circular motion. Lastly, wipe up any remaining paste residue.
How to Remove Light Scratches from a Glass Stove Top
Apply a glass stovetop polish to the scratches on your stove top. First clean the surface with the cleanser of your choice, then apply the polish and buff it with a microfiber cloth, working in circular motions. Clean up the excess polish with a clean, damp cloth. If you don't want to buy or can't find glass stovetop polish, use car wax instead and follow the same process as above.
How Often to Clean a Glass Stove Top
Clean your glass stove top daily or after use to prevent stain build-up. Use your cleanser of choice along with a soft sponge or microfiber cloth. Reserve scrubbing with baking soda paste and scraping with a razor or pumice stone for particularly stubborn messes.
How to Avoid Scratching Your Glass Stove Top
Ensure your cookware is clean before placing it on the stove top. If food is still stuck to the bottom of a pot or a pan, it may have hardened and become sharp enough to scratch the glass when you set it down or move it.
Life your pots and pans to move them instead of sliding them. This will prevent scratches and abrasions caused by the friction between the cookware and the glass surface of your stove top.
Try not to drop anything hard or sharp on your stove top. Any sharp, hard, or heavy dish or utensil can leave a mark on your glass stove top when dropped on it from a height.
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