Goa MLA Monserrate, Accused of Raping a Minor Girl, Gets Bail
Goa MLA Monserrate, Accused of Raping a Minor Girl, Gets Bail

Panaji: Goa MLA Atanasio "Babush" Monserrate, accused of raping a minor girl, has been granted bail. The girl's stepmother and another women identified as Rosy Ferros have also got the bail.

According to the police the minor girl was sold to Monserrate for Rs 50 lakh. The police remand copy revealed that the money trail is yet to be traced.

Monserrate, who has been booked under the POSCO Act, is accused of buying and raping a 16-year-old girl. The girl's stepmother and Rosy were also arrested for selling the victim to the St Cruz lawmaker for Rs 50 lakh.

However, Manserrate has denied the charges claiming them to be politically motivated.

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