Prime Minister Narendra Modi has an overall approval rating (AR) of 65% for September among urban Indians, with his best score of 80% in the western region, according to the Ipsos IndiaBus Poll.
Modi achieved higher rating in western India (80%), eastern India (73%), northern India (72%), while in southern India his approval rating was 31%. Likewise, his AR was higher in tier 1 (76%), tier 2 (64%) and tier 3 (62%) vis-à-vis metros (58%). Interestingly, his AR was almost the same across SECs – SEC A (69%), SEC B (64%) and SEC C (63%).
Approval rating across the two genders was almost at par – women (65%) and men (64%). Similar trend was noticeable across age groups where his approval rating was steady – 18-30 year olds (66%), 31-45 years (64%) and 45+ (64%). Across the different cohorts, his approval rating was high – unemployed (75%), students (69%), employed (67%) and full time parent/ homemaker (63%), with the exception of the self-employed (47%).
Those with higher education gave a higher approval rating of 70% to Modi versus those with lower education, who gave an AR of 61%.
Parijat Chakraborty, Group Service Line Leader, Public Affairs, Corporate Reputation, ESG and CSR, said, “PM Narendra Modi has achieved an approval rating of 65% on how Indians perceive his role as the prime minister of India. By and large across demographics, Mr Modi has received high approval ratings considering some respondents were undecided or were neutral. His disapproval in less than 2 in 10, while his approval is 2 in 3 of those polled. Only the residents of south zone and the self-employed seem disgruntled. Under his stewardship, India has been shining on several fronts, recently he has gathered new feathers in his cap of Chandrayaan 3, Aditya L1 and India successfully hosting the G20 Summit. He also has the gift of the gab and connects with audiences across SECs and age groups."
Of the total respondents, 7% were neutral, 18% disapproved and 9% were undecided.
PM @narendramodi continues to lead the way as India's preferred leader! With a remarkable 79% favorable rating and an impressive 55% holding a very high favorable view, he's clearly capturing hearts and minds. The people's voice is loud and clear – PM Modi is the top… pic.twitter.com/ZWHEdJZwPj
— MyGovIndia (@mygovindia) August 30, 2023
Ipsos IndiaBus is a monthly pan India omnibus (which also runs multiple client surveys), that uses a structured questionnaire and is conducted by Ipsos India on diverse topics among 2200+ respondents from SEC A, B and C households, covering adults of both genders from all four zones in the country.
The survey is conducted in metros, Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 towns, providing a more robust and representative view of urban Indians. The respondents were polled face-to-face and online. We have city-level quota for each demographic segments that ensure the waves are identical and no additional sampling error. The data is weighted by demographics and city-class population to arrive at national average.
Ipsos is a market research and polling company, operating in 90 markets and employing over 19,000 people. Its research professionals, analysts and scientists provide understanding and powerful insights into the actions, opinions and motivations of citizens, consumers, patients, customers or employees. Their 75 solutions are based on primary data from our surveys, social media monitoring, and qualitative or observational techniques.
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