A Twitter user responded to an “unpopular opinion” trend that’s going around on Twitter, and it’s safe to say that her take got real unpopular real fast. The take in question says “your dog and cat do not “love” you. they are animals who are food and comfort-motivated and/or have been bred to be affectionate. they are not capable of human emotion. nor should you expect them to be.”
Since being posted, the take has been torn apart on many fronts, with some saying that this logic could apply to human beings as well and others arguing that animals are very much capable of feeling love and to claim otherwise is human snobbery. Those who sided with the OP claimed that pets had been domesticated to feel loyalty towards us and that they should not be expected to feel “love”.
your dog and cat do not "love" you. they are animals who are food and comfort-motivated and/or have been bred to be affectionate. they are not capable of human emotion. nor should you expect them to be ♥️ https://t.co/2B2b4Fx6la— Mithila (@PhadkeTai) March 8, 2023
quote-tweeters, ask yourselves why it's this important ur pets love u back pic.twitter.com/kUlelocZuc— Mithila (@PhadkeTai) March 8, 2023
dogs are bred to show loyalty for their pack. why is it necessary for you to think that your pet *loves* you back? does it affect how much *you* love them?— Mithila (@PhadkeTai) March 8, 2023
Humans are so arrogant that they can't fathom other living beings having emotions as well. What do you think love is? https://t.co/WWdAplGSgq— Lune (@_lavendercat) March 9, 2023
As a career vet tech, I can tell you that’s bullshit. There are scientific studies that prove it. They love, fear, and grieve. Cats came to humans because we had food and shelter but they didn’t have to stay. They are purer and more loving than her cold heart can imagine. https://t.co/lbtYAfiIQ8 pic.twitter.com/ZUPHnh5d8h— Your Weird Queer Aunt Becca (@TatCatLady) March 9, 2023
he's just a baby a little guy he doesn't need to— Mithila (@PhadkeTai) March 8, 2023
Dont forget we're also food motivated and the best way to get that is as a group— Brigitte Herron (@bookandthebone) March 9, 2023
The good news here is that whether our pets love us back or not, we can love them anyway if we so wish.
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