How Panty Liners Can Keep Vaginal Infections At Bay?
How Panty Liners Can Keep Vaginal Infections At Bay?
Like most fungal infections, candida too thrives in moisture and can become chronic if the right care is not taken. That’s where panty liners come handy

Vaginal discharge is very common and in fact completely normal. It is a sign that your vagina is cleaning itself and everything is fine down there. However, sometimes, one can notice an excess of this discharge due to an infection, most likely a fungal one called candidiasis or yeast infection. This happens when there is excess of candida growth in the vaginal microbial ecosystem. Like most fungal infections, candida too thrives in moisture and can become chronic if the right care is not taken.

That’s where panty liners come handy. “While panty liners by themselves cannot prevent an infection which are caused due to several physiological and environmental factors, they can provide daily protection and keep moisture under control thereby minimising the possibility of infections or reinfections," says Nameeta Saigal, Marketing Head, Nua.

Which Panty Liners to Opt For?

You can opt for ultra-thin and toxin-free panty liners to avoid any discomfort or rashes. “Toxin-free liners also ensure that the pH-balance of the vagina is not disturbed by fragrance or irritants so one can stay comfortable all day, every day," adds Saigal.

“Panty liners are total life saviours. It is critical to look for dermatologically tested safe ones to use out of the many available in the market, you can also use cotton reusable, eco-friendly panty liners – just to stay extra protected from rashes or discomfort, if any," says Sujata Pawar; Co-Founder & CEO, Avni.

You may have heard that panty liners do cause infection – but we’re here to tell you that it’s just a myth. Liners come with the advantage of keeping you clean, fresh and hygienic at all times.

Pawar shares reasons on why you need to wear panty liners on a regular basis:

Keeps you dry and fresh: While your vagina’s lubricants just mean it’s normal, it can also become a haven for pimples, and harmful bacteria which can cause infections. With panty liners, you are protected from unwelcome guests such as these.

Saves your favourite panty from excessive washing: If you are someone who has lost a good panty or two to excessive washing of a stain, join the club, – but invest in a panty liner. These protect your panty, your vagina, and offer comfort, all in one.

Absorbs sweat: If you’re someone who’s always on the go, or working a field job, or physically active, panty liners are most definitely your saving grace. Panty liners have absorbent qualities which could help if you’re someone who sweats easily.

Best used before and after your menstrual cycle: Vaginal discharge is common before and after a menstrual cycle. But this can be uncomfortable to many. Panty liners help ensure that your comfort isn’t hindered, and also doesn’t dry your vagina causing an imbalance to its natural pH levels.

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