Flights are the best option when we have to travel long distances. However, some have to compromise their sleep as it gets difficult to sleep on flights due to various reasons. If we are travelling by train, it gets easier to sleep because of the comfortable seats. If you want to know the seat to take to get sound sleep on the flight, then British experts have a solution for it.
Experts at Mattress Next Day have shared a lot of handy tips and tricks for people unable to get sound sleep while travelling on a plane.
Let’s take a look at them:
Block sound
If you are travelling by plane or by any other mode of transport and wish to get sound sleep, it’s best to block sounds. For this, you can take the help of earphones.
Use eye masks
According to experts, you should use an eye mask while travelling to get good sleep.
Neck pillow
The use of a neck pillow while travelling has been suggested by British experts. The use of a neck pillow will not just support your neck and head but also help you while you sleep.
Book ticket in advance
As per British experts, one should always book flight tickets in advance. Try to select the seat next to the window. This is because no one will interrupt your sleep while they go to the washroom.
Select flight time as per your sleep time:
Book a flight ticket as per your sleep time. This way, your sleep pattern will not be disturbed and you will be able to get a sound sleep.
These tips can also be used while you travel on other modes of transport.
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