Pancreatic cancer is rare and often remains undetected with no symptoms but when it is diagnosed, it could have reached an advanced stage.
Pancreatic cancer arises when cells in the pancreas begin to multiply out of control and form a mass or tumor. There are broadly two types of pancreatic cancer – exocrine and neuroendocrine. The most common kind of exocrine pancreatic cancer is also known as adenocarcinoma that begins in the ducts of the pancreas.
The main function of the pancreas is to release enzymes that aid in food digestion and produce hormones such as insulin and glucagon that helps in managing your blood sugar levels.
Let us know the early signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer, its complications, risk factors, treatment and preventive measures.
Symptoms and complications
– Change in the stool, the color becomes green or pale brown
– Yellowing of eyes and skin and darker urine, due to jaundice
– Abdominal pain that spreads to your back
– Suddenly losing weight or loss of appetite
– Fatigue or tiredness
– Blood clots in the body
Who is at more risk?
Old age people (above age 65), a person diagnosed with new or advanced stage of diabetes, those who smoke or consume alcoholic drinks, people with family history of pancreatic cancer, someone suffering from obesity or taking poor diet and a person having chronic pancreatitis (a permanent inflammation of the pancreas) are higher risk of pancreatic cancer.
How is pancreatic cancer diagnosed?
In the early stages, it is difficult to detect pancreatic cancer. An endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is done to diagnose the tumor. EUS is a thin tube with a camera that is passed through the mouth into the stomach to take the tissue sample (biopsy) from the pancreas. A blood test can also find a substance known as tumor marker.
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Can pancreatic cancer spread rapidly?
Pancreatic cancer is rare and often remains undetected with no symptoms but when it is diagnosed, it could have reached an advanced stage. Most commonly pancreatic cancer can spread to the liver. It can also spread within the abdomen, to the lungs or to nearby lymph nodes.
Treatment of pancreatic cancer
The treatment depends on certain things, including where the tumor is formed, at what stage it is and how healthy you are to take the therapies. Some of the treatment options are: surgeries, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy and targeted therapy.
Tips to prevent the risk of getting pancreatic cancer
– One can change their sedentary lifestyle into a healthier one
– Try quitting smoking, don’t consume too much alcohol
– Maintain your weight by exercising and eating healthy
– Avoid eating sugary products. If you have diabetes then control your blood sugar levels.
– Consult a specialist/doctor, if you have a family history of pancreatic cancer.
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