5 Shades of Bedsheets You Should Use In Summers
5 Shades of Bedsheets You Should Use In Summers
Choosing the right shade of bedsheets can significantly impact the overall feel and comfort of your bedroom, especially during the hot summer months

It’s funny how as soon as the summer months begin, we run for whites, creams and beiges. And our mothers too turn to grab white cotton sheets for our bedrooms. This summer, create a refreshing cool ambience indoors by selecting the right bedsheets that would elevate the interiors of your room and help you stay cool and comfortable during hot summer nights.

Rajiv Merchant, President, Domestic Retail, Indo Count Industries Limited will explore five shades of bedsheets that are perfect for creating a cool and soothing atmosphere during the summer season.

  1. Crisp WhiteWhite is a popular choice for bedsheets in summers as the colour tends to reflect light, making your bedroom feel brighter and more spacious. White bedsheets are known for their ability to stay cooler by reflecting sunlight, rather than absorbing it.
  2. Pale BlueBlue equals to calmness and tranquility, making it an excellent choice for summer bedsheets. Pale blue bedsheets would evoke a sense of coolness and relaxation in your bedroom. This shade is reminiscent of the clear summer sky or the calming waves of the ocean.
  3. Mint GreenMint green bedsheets can create a sense of serenity, much like a lush garden or a cool forest retreat. Its subtle and calming nature promotes relaxation and helps combat the heat, allowing you to enjoy a peaceful night’s sleep. Pair it with earthy tones or pastel shades for a harmonious and cool summer vibe.
  4. Pastel YellowPastel yellow bedsheets add a touch of brightness to your bedroom without overwhelming the senses. This colour can evoke feelings of warmth and happiness, which are perfect for summer. Pair it with white or light gray accents to maintain a cool and balanced look.
  5. LavenderLavender is a delightful shade that brings a sense of relaxation and tranquility to any space. This colour is known for its calming properties, making it an excellent choice for summer bedsheets. Lavender bedsheets can create a serene atmosphere, helping you unwind after a long, hot day. The delicate hue adds a touch of elegance to your bedroom and promotes restful sleep. Pair it with soft neutrals or silver accents to create a cool and dreamy haven.

Choosing the right shade of bedsheets can significantly impact the overall feel and comfort of your bedroom, especially during the hot summer months. Crisp white, pale blue, mint green, pastel yellow, and lavender are five shades that can help create a cool and soothing atmosphere. So, beat the summer heat with the perfect choice of bedsheets and enjoy a cool and comfortable sanctuary within your own home.

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