Startup BookMyBai Reveals How Bollywood Celebrities Ill-treat, Abuse Their Maids
Startup BookMyBai Reveals How Bollywood Celebrities Ill-treat, Abuse Their Maids
Anupam Sinhal, one of the founders of the site, took to his blog to talk about the instances involving 5 Bollywood celebrities (not named in the blog post) who ill-treated and abused the house-helps who were hired from Book By Bai.

Book My Bai, an online platform which makes the process of finding a house-help, has implemented a blanket ban on Bollywood celebrities, after it received complaints of gross misbehavior.

Anupam Sinhal, one of the founders of the site, took to his blog, to talk about the instances involving 5 Bollywood celebrities (not named in the blog post) who ill-treated and abused the house-helps who were hired from Book My Bai.

Calling himself a “big fan of Bollywood movies”, who has often lauded actors for their acting prowess was shocked when he encountered instances wherein these celebrities showed no qualms in exploiting their services.

“I know that I am generalizing and weighing them all in the same scale. But I am only talking out of my personal experience of providing a domestic help to over 20 bollywood celebrities in Mumbai. This is also to put in a word of caution to other buddy-startups who might fall into the trap and end up losing that precious revenue. As a matter of fact, now BookMyBai has a blanket ban on all Bollywood celebrities and we have instructed our team to not provide domestic helps to any of them,” he mentions in his blog.

From celebrities not allowing the helper to back to her hometown Bihar to perform her mother’s last rituals to torturing and harassing then, Sinhal lists out all five instances in his blog post.

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