Selection Day Actor Rajesh Tailang's Car Stolen in Delhi
Selection Day Actor Rajesh Tailang's Car Stolen in Delhi
Rajesh Tailang's five months old car was stolen from his residence in New Delhi. The actor has filed an FIR in the matter.

Bollywood actor Rajesh Tailang on Friday called the police after his five-month-old car that was parked near his house in Delhi got stolen.

"My new car (just five months old) got stolen in the morning. It was parked near my house in Mayur Vihar-2, Delhi Police please help. FIR done," Rajesh tweeted.

Talking about the incident, the actor told IANS, "Last night I parked my car near my house. In the morning, my car cleaner called and asked about my car. I told him where it was parked. He didn't find it. He went down to check and when he didn't find his car parked in the same spot, he decided to file an FIR."

"I was told that two cars were stolen from the area and both were Baleno. Police said they will do their best," added Tailang.

Tailang has been working in films since Hazar Chaurasi Ki Maa in 1998. He later played important roles in films such as Phantom, Omerta and Mukkabaaz. He has also done meaty roles in web shows like Delhi Crime and Selection Day. (With inputs from IANS)

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