Decoding Avengers Endgame: 4 Theories You Should Seriously Consider
Decoding Avengers Endgame: 4 Theories You Should Seriously Consider
The most important question that has everyone talking is, 'where is Captain Marvel?' because she didn't make an appearance in the trailer.

Let's face it, the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is to our generation what the Star Wars universe was to our predecessors. For an entire section of geekdom, MCU is more real than the world they actually live in, and the thought of its most important franchise ending is a hard pill to swallow. Avengers films had put us right at the centre of MCU and given us a panoramic view of the universe which we only saw in bits and pieces in other Marvel movies. They have also brought all the different realms together and trusted the fans to understand several different complicated storylines, and the fans have never disappointed the Marvel gods. But, all of that will end soon.

The beginning of the end began with the trailer drop of Avengers: Endgame, the last film in the Avengers franchise. While fans went into a frenzy, trying to outdo one another in re-watching the short clip, many lamented the impending end of the franchise. Of course, to soften the blow, Marvel has already lined-up a Spider-Man and Guardian of the Galaxy sequels but that is hardly any consolation.

The fan theories haven't stopped coming in ever since the Avengers: Endgame trailer dropped. Also, fans are trying to read every pixel on the screen to see if the Russo Brothers have left some pieces of the puzzle for them to solve. Many hair-splitting analysis videos have appeared on YouTube and uncountable Twitter speculations have been made.

Read: Where Is Captain Marvel In Avengers: Endgame Trailer?

Read: The Avengers Endgame Trailer Is Out Now

Therefore, in the interest of the entire Marvel fandom, we have narrowed down to four important questions about Avengers: Endgame that the fans are trying to answer and the plausible resolutions they have come up with.

1. Will Captain America Die?

Chris Evans dying is a terrifying prospect in MCU, especially because we have gone through one harrowing 'dying scene' of the Cap, thanks to Captain America: The First Avenger where we all thought that the Cap had left this world and it was such a terrible experience. Tissues were involved, tears came without warning, and it was way too emotional.

Also, before killing off Evans several things should be taken into consideration. For example, who will be the moral compass of the crew after him? And, the absence of his perfect jawline alone will take down the beauty quotient of the group by several notches. Perhaps that's partly the reason why the Marvel gods froze him for years and then brought him back in all his muscular glory.

But, the current trailer of Avengers: Endgame has many fans speculating that this may actually be the end for Cap, and there may be no return this time around. In the trailer, we see Steve Rogers' all moony-eyed staring at the photo of the love of his life, Peggy Carter. The last time Cap did that, he was flying to his death. So, obvious parallels are being drawn between the tiny glimpse in the trailer and the climax of Captain America: The First Avengers, and of course many fans are in need of the tranquillizers to calm their nerves because it is all too sad to take in.

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This has also thrown open several important questions like, 'If there is indeed time travel on the cards (as many fans are speculating), will Cap finally get his dance with Peggy?' 'How will his end be?' and the most terrifying question of all, "Will he be the only Avengers we will lose in the film?"

We can never be sure given the number of losses we suffered in the last film.

Evans had earlier alluded that he may be leaving the franchise in his New York Times profile and thanked everyone from the Avengers team in a tweet that declared the wrap of Avengers: Endgame for him.

However, nothing could have prepared us for watching Evans' Captain America silently shedding tears in the trailer of Endgame. It's so sad and beautiful that it is obviously giving too many feels to the fans.

2. Is this a big elaborate plan of Doctor Strange?

In the last few minutes of Avengers: Infinity War, as characters we loved and deeply cared about -- Peter Parker (Spider-Man), T'challa (Black Panther), Peter Quill (Star-Lord) -- amorphized, turned into dust and floated away in air, at that exact moment, you may have questioned Doctor Strange's IQ level, because in no way did it seem like the only outcome of more than 4 million different permutation and combinations of future, in which Avengers can win. But chances are that doc was right all along and may even have orchestrated a whole elaborate plan to defeat Thanos. At least that is what the fans think.

Remember that ominous dialogue before Doctor Strange dies? The dialogue about being in the 'Endgame?’ Yes, Benedict Cumberbatch's Doctor Strange did call it 'endgame' which also happens to be the name of the Avengers 4 film. Coincidence? I'd think not. According to several members of the geekdom, Doctor Strange is actually in the know of many more Marvel secrets that neither the audience nor the Avengers themselves are privy to in present time.

If the set photos, as well as Captain America's old uniform in the trailer, are any indication the doctor may have planned some time travelling for the Avengers. That may be the reason why he didn't draw a fiery hole in the air and save Iron Man from Thanos' hand by teleporting him to another time and space and instead agreed to give up the time stone in exchange of Iron Man's life.

3. Will there be time travel?

Most fan theories and clues in the Avengers: Endgame trailer indicate that 'time' will be a key element in Avengers' battle against Thanos in this last Avengers movie. But as far as the geekdom is concerned, the more important clue that they cannot stop talking about lies in Avengers: Infinity War. In the scene where we see Doctor Strange hand over the time stone to Thanos, we see that the stone is glowing. Now, infinity stones only glow when they are being used, which may imply Doctor Strange was actually using it while handing it to Thanos and by doing so changing past or future in such a way so as to protect the universe from Thanos' wrath.

Another strong speculation that the fans have made is that now that Thanos' infinity gauntlet is destroyed thanks to the snap that also killed half of all living organisms, he won't be able to redo the whole act of killing half the universe yet again. The gauntlet has completely burnt itself out and it doesn't really have much power. So, several theories suggest that Avengers will go back in time, and alter the course of history and stop that great disappearing act from happening altogether.

Scott Lang aka Ant-Man may also play an important role in all the time travelling given that he has the experience of being in the quantum realm and actually shows up with the van that has the tunnel that leads to the quantum realm in the trailer itself. How he gets there is a different question though, because the last time we saw him he was floating in the quantum realm, and people who were supposed to pull him out had been killed by Thanos' snap. While both Captain America and Black Widow have a hard time believing that Ant-Man is alive, once the three team up, ideally time travelling should be very much possible.

4. Where is Captain Marvel?

The most important question that has everyone talking is, 'where is Captain Marvel?' because she didn't make an appearance in the trailer. Here's hoping that she didn't just miss the beeper message from Fury because that will literally have fatal consequences. The Captain Marvel movie will be out a month before the last Avengers film, and while we will have to wait until the end credit roll of the film to see if that movie will give us any clue about the endgame, we may also get a better sense of how crucial and powerful Captain Marvel is and if she can serve as Plan B for saving the universe, in case the Avengers fail.

That's one scenario we have never witnessed before, where the Avengers need saving, but with Iron Man likely to drift away in space, Captain America likely to plunge into another death (and maybe a real one this time), Bruce Banner unable to turn into Hulk, Hawkeye going through an identity crisis, and Thor mopping in a sad corner, having a back-up may actually come in handy. Although, we'll only know for sure when Avengers: Endgame hit the screens in April 2019.

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