Ramadan 2024: Tips to Stay Active During the Holy Month of Ramzan
Ramadan 2024: Tips to Stay Active During the Holy Month of Ramzan
Ramadan 2024: Getting enough rest, relaxation, and renewal during Ramzan is important for overall well-being. Here are some tips to stay active during this holy month.

One of the most sacred months for Muslims worldwide is Ramadan, also referred to as Ramazan or Ramzan. It is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. The Islamic month of Ramadan, which is observed with communal meals, prayer, introspection, and fasting (roza), is of great significance. This year, Ramadan is set to begin in India on Tuesday, March 12, after moon sighting in Saudi Arabia on March 10. Throughout the month of Ramadan, Muslims across the world fast from sunrise to sunset. Suhur is the pre-dawn meal, whereas Iftar, or dates and water, is the meal that ends the fast.

Ramadan concludes with a celebration known as Eid al-Fitr (the Feast of the Breaking of the Fast), which is one of Islam’s two most significant holidays. In Saudi Arabia, the crescent moon marks the start and end of Ramadan. It also determines whether Ramadan lasts 30 or 29 days.

Maintaining an active lifestyle during Ramadan is important for keeping a healthy lifestyle, but it can be difficult because of the schedule shift and the physical demands of fasting. Furthermore, prioritising rest and sleep will help you stay active and maintain your energy levels, especially in the first few days of fasting when your body is getting used to the new routine.

Tips To Stay Healthy This Ramadan

Below are a few tips on how to stay active during Ramadan this year.

  1. Drink milk with nutsMilk is high in calcium, which can help to strengthen bones. Milk can be combined with nuts, such as almonds, to make a nutritious beverage.
  2. Eat datesDates are a traditional food used to break the fast during Ramadan. They are a good source of energy and contain natural sugars that can help regulate blood sugar levels. Dates can also be consumed as a snack throughout the day to increase energy levels.
  3. Eat dried fruitsDried fruits like apricots, raisins, and prunes are high in natural sugar and fibre, which can help with energy levels. They can be eaten as a snack or mixed into meals.
  4. Mix nuts and seedsNuts and seeds are high in healthy fats, protein, and fibre, which can help you stay energised all day. In addition, almonds, walnuts, cashews, and pumpkin seeds can all be combined and eaten as a snack.
  5. Make energy ballsTo make energy balls, mix dates, nuts, and dried fruits together. They are a nutritious snack that can provide steady energy throughout the day.

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