Know Your Spices: Try These For Their Health Benefits
Know Your Spices: Try These For Their Health Benefits
Spices not just add flavour and aroma to your food but are also nutritional and medicinal powerhouses.

Spices not just add flavour and aroma to your food but are also nutritional and medicinal powerhouses. Spices are derived from plants and plants are a source of phytonutrients. Many phytonutrients have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory or even anti-cancer properties. Moreover, spicy food helps the body sweat and potentially remove toxins.

Here are few spices that you might want to try:

1. Cinnamon

Apart from having powerful healing properties, Cinnamon also helps improve blood sugar levels. A little cinnamon everyday can control cholestrol level and even prevent blot clots and may help keep your heart healthy.

2. Cloves

With its anti-inflammatory properties, cloves also has antioxidant properties. Moreover, it is believed that clove keeps heart diseases and cancer at bay. Clove is a boon for people who have toothache. Put a couple in your mouth, let them soften a bit and then bite on them gently with the good molar to release their oil. Move it around the painful tooth and keep them for half an hour. The clove oil has numbing effect in addition to bateria-fighting power.

3. Coriander

If you are suffering from digestive problems, then coriander seeds can help calm your bowel. You can make a strong tea from crushed coriander seeds and strain the water. Consume this tea to improve your bowel troubles. Coriander leaves also has antioxidant properties.

4. Garlic

If eaten daily, Garlic cloves can help lower risk of heart diseases. Moreover, it helps reduce cholestrol levels and reduces risk of clots. Many believe that the sulphur compound in Garlic helps keep cancer at bay. Garlic can also help relief from some sinus infection and common cold.

5. Turmeric

Turmeric stimulates appetite and many claim that it helps fight cancer cells. Curcumin, the chemical responsible for turmeric's colour, is considered an anticancer agent. Curcumin has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and is rich in anioxidants.

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