Observing Father’s Day falling on the third Sunday of June every year is a wonderful way to acknowledge the paternal role in raising children. Parenting itself is a daunting task, and on top of that, with this pandemic situation that has confined us to our homes (that act as the virtual office now), striking a healthy balance between giving time to kids and the office is a challenging feat.
Maintaining a work-life balance is of paramount importance. It is crucial to remain on the top of your game, both professionally and personally, so that you don’t burn out. Nevertheless, this overlapping of work and family environments owing to the WFH situation can be dealt with by a few smart handling techniques.
All dads probably must be trying to find a reasonable balance between family and work life demands. Well, as a matter of fact, it is possible to have an exceptional career and sufficient time with family.
As we celebrate Father’s Day, we bring to you some tips that dads could follow to achieve work-life balance during WFH:
Bond over activities
With kids being at home missing day-care, school, and playtime with other children, make sure to plan a fun activity with them. Engage in painting or planting or playing with your kids at a designated time of the day. If you have teenagers, plan a workout routine, or meditate with them. You could also whip up a meal with your little one as it would be a great way to bond and relieve stress.
Virtual play date
Plan an online session with colleagues and their children. Include your kids in the session, let them talk and interact with others during the video call. It is important to foster inclusiveness.
Schedule work hours
It ensures a working mindset and mentally prepares you for the day ahead. That way you will be able to compartmentalize your personal time with family, and office hours. If you set up a dedicated time for work, it helps you relax in your downtime.
Designate a dedicated workspace
This will help you demarcate your physical as well as mental office space. It lets you switch off and on from work mode.
Holistic planning
Plan. Be mindful of WFH challenges that might crop up with kids around; and communicate with your partner about problems at home to effectively iron out issues. Take a stock of deadlines, talk on realistic terms with your boss regarding deadlines.
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