Virgo Horoscope 2009: Love, job, money and health
Virgo Horoscope 2009: Love, job, money and health
Find out what the stars have in store for you in the new year.



Come 2009 and you realise you are so full of determination to succeed that nothing can pry you away from your mission. Although Mercury goes retrograde in January, it won't stop you from accomplishing what you have set your heart on.

It'll remind you that efficiency is built upon stability, so think of it as a maintenance period, ideal for revisiting old problems that call for action. Also, you'll be someone who drives your team. This lasts till February.

Post Feb, you are going to surprise yourself when you manage to convert your team into a competitive, charged, nearly-edgy one, totally driven to succeed.

Beginning a new relationship, buying luxury items and investing in objects of art or items of beauty is generally discouraged during the Venus retrograde between March and mid-April.

Mid year could usher in something slightly odd:each time you feel relaxed,a new faux emergency erupts.The saving grace is that this brings along opportune changes.

You're likely to get results, no matter what. In November, quick thinking and a willingness to reinvent yourself will be the order. Listen to your intuition;it`s likely to be very accurate around this time.

By December, you will have to be mentally and emotionally prepared for important and surprising changes in your lifestyle.


This year many new surprises await your love life. You are likely to fall in love with someone who has a way with words and impresses you with his charm.

Overindulgence in work will leave little time for romance during this time for some. Ego clashes with your mate are likely due to the influence of Sun and Ketu. Try not to get involved into anyone's manipulative games.

If you're stretched to the maximum, remain as calm as possible and check out any and all options that help you protect yourself, your income and quality of life.

Towards the middle of the year, some of you need to re-connect intimately with your mate. Don't let past relationships affect what you have now. The influence of the Moon will help you seek out new and exciting ways to transform your partnership.

You suddenly see the big picture and why things have occurred in a particular order in the last year. This is also a time for wide-open love fest that creates increasing confidence and a genuine sense of abundance. Don't be surprised if you laugh more than usual! Committed couples will feel a positive difference in their attitudes due to the influence of Saturn and Venus.


The influence of Jupiter and Sun will bring harmony in your relationships.There is one thing that is going to define you: you`re going to make sure that your prospective mate realizes that you are a prize worth fighting for!


Beginning January, 2009 is a year when you need to be careful and decide what is best for yourself only after serious consideration. You battle moments of self-doubt periodically but this lasts only for a month. Your lucky days to embark on a new business venture are Wednesdays, Fridays, Mondays and Thursdays.

Some good overseas opportunities will knock on your door. Don't let any good chance pass you by. This is the best time for brokers, lawyers, engineers and surgeons. Towards the middle of the year, you need to prepare yourself for changes.

Don't make long-term written commitments around this time. This is a temporary period but you need to make sure that you stay on guard and remain careful. The remainder of the year, however, won't have any disappointment.

It'll all be about success and well-deserved gratification. Add strategy or marketing to any important discussion or meeting and you'll find yourself loaded with agreements. The end of the year will see the beginning of a good phase for your career.

You will see several light bulb moments through the last quarter and this may lead to unexpected changes in your career profile. These changes will be good for you and will lead your career to a new direction.


This year your financial prospects look good but you can improve with extra caution. You will benefit from your investments especially if you are in the export and import business. This period offers potential new sources of income. It may also create new partnerships, projects and multimedia ventures.

Loans will be cleared with ease during this period due to Jupiter and Moon. Don't enter into partnerships at this time as you may face some financial trouble regarding this.

The middle of the year will see a rise in expenditure at home. New investments will bring in huge profits. You will spend money on a business related journey but this is not likely to be financially beneficial due to the influence of Rahu and Jupiter. This is a time to think carefully and revise every decision.

By the end of the year, businessmen, in particular, will benefit if you take matters into your own hands. You will invest money on commercial properties due to the influence of Mars and Jupiter.

What will work this year is good financial discipline. With this in one hand and a good strategy in another, financial rewards, prospects, offers and opportunities will stream in aplenty.


This year you need to maintain a balance between personal and professional life and consciously avoid overworking. You can be short tempered and you need to take care of that to avoid health problems.


Eat only vegetarian food for a while as this will help you keep your weight in control. You will face no sleep related issues if you keep your environment happy and stress free.

You need to develop a positive attitude and think twice before acting. Keep your confidence level high and don`t be too loud especially if you are pregnant. Keep your digestion in check.

Saturn goes direct around mid May. This is the time when you'll realise you have incredible physical manifestation available, energetically speaking. Immediately take up any good health advice that you have been offered by a professional, especially regarding your muscles and bones.

Older people need to take extra care of your diet to avoid acidity. Children are likely to be affected by viral fever.Also be extra careful on the road.

November sees you successfully nurse back your immune system to health, with Neptune going direct. Keep your hot bags handy and get a good body massage. Avoid alcohol during this time as it will only add to your problems.

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