First of all they had their cell phones on LOUD mode, which means we had to listen to an assorted collection of hits blaring in monophonic and polyphonic tones while trying to absorb Karnataka history. Oh and by the way cell phones are supposed to be on silent or switched off mode inside the palace, but the group just didn't care. And they were above the no pictures ban too! So what if ordinary people had to submit their cameras at the safekeeping area, 'Ooo,"We" have 2 GB mega pixels, hi-fi, hi-tech ultra zoom camera phones which cant be confiscated because the cameras can be hidden. So "we" will take all the snaps "we" want'. You know what the sad part is, the fact that they would not enjoy the photos later too. I say this with much conviction because they were strolling through the highly decorated palace without sparing a glance at the sculptures or the portraits or the colour scheme. The only things they were doing were looking at one-odd mirrors and loudly commenting that 'this must have been the mirror where Tipu Sultan combed his hair. Tipu Sultan for god's sake!!! The current Wodeyar Palace was built in the early 1900's -and this is of course after Tipu Sultan's death. A gang of 20-odd guys was concentrating at the collection of statues at the palace but only to fix them with a rather lecherous gaze. Enough to make one queasy don't you think.
I don't claim to know Wodeyar history in and out nor do I claim to know as much as I should before visiting the palace. My point is if you are genuinely not interested, then why bother coming? An archaeological monument is after all a place where human beings like you and me used to live. They used to have their share of laughter and tears there. People were married and born there. For us it might just be a tourist spot or place to go for time-pass, but for them it was their home and for the Wodeyar's who is a living dynasty, it still is.
How would you like it if after you died a bunch of strangers barged into your house, laughing at your family portraits and sniggering at the way your home sweet home was decorated? Not very much I assume.
Precisely, my point!
first published:November 01, 2006, 15:55 ISTlast updated:November 01, 2006, 15:55 IST
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Call me elitist if you will, but I believe respect for history in specific and people in general needs to be made a prerequisite for entry into historical monuments. There I was in the famed Wodeyar palace grounds in Mysore enjoying and overwhelmed by its grandeur, when 2 tourist buses came to a screeching stop in the parking area. Out tumbled a pack of tourists armed with mobiles, caps, cameras and sunglasses. Rushing to enter the palace, practically elbowing my Mom and me out of the way, onward they rushed in their haste to add 'Mysore Palace' to their list of places visited during the holidays. And I am not being harsh at this point. As I for a fact know that this bunch did not see a thing inside the palace-this with eyes wide open. Yes I can see you snorting with disbelief and saying "Don't Be so judgmental" Well, I'll tell you why I will be.
First of all they had their cell phones on LOUD mode, which means we had to listen to an assorted collection of hits blaring in monophonic and polyphonic tones while trying to absorb Karnataka history. Oh and by the way cell phones are supposed to be on silent or switched off mode inside the palace, but the group just didn't care. And they were above the no pictures ban too! So what if ordinary people had to submit their cameras at the safekeeping area, 'Ooo,"We" have 2 GB mega pixels, hi-fi, hi-tech ultra zoom camera phones which cant be confiscated because the cameras can be hidden. So "we" will take all the snaps "we" want'. You know what the sad part is, the fact that they would not enjoy the photos later too. I say this with much conviction because they were strolling through the highly decorated palace without sparing a glance at the sculptures or the portraits or the colour scheme. The only things they were doing were looking at one-odd mirrors and loudly commenting that 'this must have been the mirror where Tipu Sultan combed his hair. Tipu Sultan for god's sake!!! The current Wodeyar Palace was built in the early 1900's -and this is of course after Tipu Sultan's death. A gang of 20-odd guys was concentrating at the collection of statues at the palace but only to fix them with a rather lecherous gaze. Enough to make one queasy don't you think.
I don't claim to know Wodeyar history in and out nor do I claim to know as much as I should before visiting the palace. My point is if you are genuinely not interested, then why bother coming? An archaeological monument is after all a place where human beings like you and me used to live. They used to have their share of laughter and tears there. People were married and born there. For us it might just be a tourist spot or place to go for time-pass, but for them it was their home and for the Wodeyar's who is a living dynasty, it still is.
How would you like it if after you died a bunch of strangers barged into your house, laughing at your family portraits and sniggering at the way your home sweet home was decorated? Not very much I assume.
Precisely, my point!
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