Naval helicopter catches fire
Naval helicopter catches fire
KOCHI: A Sea King helicopter of the Indian Navy with 13 Naval personnel on board, including three crew members, caught fire on Mon..

KOCHI: A Sea King helicopter of the Indian Navy with 13 Naval personnel on board, including three crew members, caught fire on Monday at the Mangalore Airport during a routine sortie. The minor fire broke out at 11 am after the helicopter landed at the airport.“The fire was extinguished using the facilities at the Mangalore Airport. All Navy personnel on board, including the three crew members, are unhurt,” said an official communication from the Navy. The Southern Naval Command-based helicopter was on its way to Mumbai from Kochi. An investigation has been ordered by the Navy to identify the cause of the mishap.Seaking helicopters are multi-role choppers, used for various roles such as anti-submarine warfare and search and rescue operations.

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