Leo Horoscope 2009: Love, job, money and health
Leo Horoscope 2009: Love, job, money and health
Find out what the stars have in store for you in the new year.



Barring communications, 2009 will start on the right foot for you. A change seems imminent in March when Venus turns retrograde for a month. Around this time, conversations will seem to focus on your personality, in particular how you express yourself and your desire to be of service.

It's so easy for you to be misunderstood that it's probably best for you to remain silent. Be as clear as you can when communicating with others. This is the right time to review how you appear to others and make plans for improving or restyling your personal presentation.

July will see you under pressure to perform. The positive in all this is that you will notice a marked change in the way you look at things, which will bode well for you. There will be certain changes can be exciting, although the stress of letting go of something familiar may be strong. Be extra flexible during this time. Prepare yourself to be remade to your depths.

Come November and you will notice that logic is the one guiding force in your life and the previous month`s inhibitions are dropped for a more direct approach in your dealings. Don`t be surprised by the unexpected this yearit will lead you towards untrodden paths and new heights!


This year you may face a lot of changes in your love life. There may be times when you will not be sure if you can deal with the ups and downs that you face in your relationship. Disagreements with your spouse over small issues are likely at this time.

A married person may attract you due to the influence of Venus and Ketu; be very alert. Around March, it is an excellent time to review the amount of fulfilment derived from your recreational and romantic life and to consider how you can be more attentive and loving to others. Also, someone close may try to cause problems between you and your mate.

At such times of interference, talk to your mate and try to find a private and mutually acceptable solution. Singles, towards the middle of the year you will find your soul mate in an unexpected place. Discussions of marriage are likely during this period.

Towards the end of the year you gain new insight into your needs and desires. You may even fall head over heels in love for someone you know nothing about.


The planets Venus and Mercury have a strong influence on your emotions and make you feel very romantic. You may certainly look forward to having a most fulfilling 2009, romantically.


The year 2009 will prove to be a year of mixed experiences for you on the career front. Your lucky days to start any business venture are Tuesdays and Thursdays. You are independent and ambitious and see to it that you complete all your tasks. Your habit of taking control even for others may bring you some problems.

On the plus side, your leadership skills will help you reach greater heights if you were to take charge objectively. You will do well if you looked for a career in the commerce industry or apply for government jobs.There will be many opportunities during this period.

The middle of the year is the best time for you, career-wise. You must try everything that you want to do or accomplish during this period. If you are a businessman you are likely to see your business expand during this time. By the end of the year you will see some changes in your career and will need to put more efforts to achieve success.

The yearend will be the best time for those working in NGOs, or in the field of marketing and finance. This is not a good time to change your job; improve your skills instead. Don`t o let temporary problems distract you. With focus, there is nothing that will stop you from reaching the greatest of heights.


This year, finances will be good and you will spend money to enjoy the good things in life. At the beginning of the year, you will get some good business proposals but you need to keep your temper in check. While caution is advised, you will make gains by investing your money on properties.

Someone close to you will help your business by lending financial support quite out of the blue. You will need to do something about your lifestyle and start thinking about saving for the future. A financer will help you with your finances during this period, aided by the Sun and Saturn.

Mid year may see you incur some expenditure, as you may have to spend on your children`s studying expenses. 2009 is a good year for sales professionals as you will earn good incentives at this time due to Venus and Saturn.

You will face no problems with loans and they will be sanctioned sooner than your expectations. Saturn may play truant for a while and play a few pranks as far as certain electric equipments are concerned and you may end up facing some financial expenses as a result; take it as part of wear and tear.


At the end of the year, you will benefit from your investments in mutual funds or the share market.


This year, there are chances that your health may be affected by relationship troubles. This brings us to a very important matter: anger management. Keep your anger in control, especially if BP is a threat to your physical well-being. Heart patients need to take special care during this time.

Towards the middle of the year due to the influence of Saturn you may have stomach troubles and also suffer from constipation. With Neptune in retrograde, you would need to watch your super sensitive immune system and keep it as strong as possible.

Expectant mothers need do some light exercises to avert even the slightest of discomfort. Sleep regularly and take care of your health to prevent any problem from recurring. Sharing your problems with others will ease your mental burden. Surya Namaskar is good for you Leos as your health problems are likely to minimise by doing this.

But, do consult a doctor if you have heart problems. Remember, logic and reasoning is one of the most holistic way to bail yourself out of any mental issue. Worrying never got anyone a solution. Keep calm and all will be well.

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