India is an important actor on global stage: US
India is an important actor on global stage: US
NSA Shivshankar Menon is in the US discuss developments in Indo-US bilateral ties.

Washington: A day after Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reviewed the Indo-US ties with National Security Adviser Shivshankar Menon, the State Department has said the strategic partnership with New Delhi is premised on strong support for India's role as an important actor on the global stage.

Clinton, who had hosted a luncheon for Menon at Foggy Bottom headquarters of the US State Department, discussed a wide range of bilateral and regional issues with him.

"In his meeting with Burns and luncheon with the Secretary, we reviewed with NSA Menon the implementation of initiatives launched during President Obama's visit to India and discussed developments in the bilateral relationship in preparation for the upcoming Strategic Dialogue in New Delhi this spring," State Department, Deputy Spokesman Mark Toner said.

"These discussions are build on the strong platform of cooperation enshrined in our global strategic partnership. All of our US India Strategic Dialogue discussions are premised on our strong support for India's role as an important actor on the international stage," Toner said on the discussions held at the State Department.

Clinton is scheduled to visit India in early April for the next round of Strategic Dialogue between the two countries. She would be leading a high-level US delegation to India.

Menon is here to review the implementation of initiatives launched during US President Barack Obama's India visit and discuss developments in Indo-US bilateral ties in preparation for the upcoming Strategic Dialogue in New Delhi.

The National Security Advisor (NSA) is here at the invitation of his American counterpart Tom Donilon, with whom he met at the White House on Friday.

The US President had dropped in for a meeting with Menon when the NSA was meeting with Donilon at the White House.

"The President relayed his priorities for the coming year, including advancing our bilateral economic relationship and making progress on nuclear security efforts," the White House said.

"Mr Donilon and Mr Menon discussed ways to advance our bilateral agenda over the coming year, including the implementation of initiatives launched during the Summit, as well as building new platforms for collaboration that fulfill the promise of our global strategic partnership. The two also had candid, in-depth discussions on regional and global issues of mutual concern," it said.

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