Kolkata: The great-great-grandson of Awadh’s last ruler Nawab Wajid Ali Shah, Shahanshah Mirza, is all set to approach West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee to organize an annual food fair ‘Aamra Ek’ (We are One) to solidify Hindu-Muslim relations in the city.
Based on the spirit of ‘Ganga-Jamuni tehzeeb’, a term used to define the culture of the plains of North India (or the Doab region of Ganges and Yamuna rivers) to foster harmony between the two communities, Mirza believes that a fair of such nature is a dire need of the hour.
Speaking to the News18, Mirza, said, “There are lots of religious discomforts among us across India. Every day you find reports of communal hatred, especially among Hindu and Muslims. Where are we headed? I have, therefore, decided to approach our Chief Minister to organize a fair on the lines of ‘Ganga-Jamuni tehzeeb’ where not only Hindus and Muslims but people from communities could come and bond through food.”
Asked how a food fair can serve that purpose, Mirza explained: “Food unites us in many ways and there is nothing better than food to create a sense of brotherhood. People from all religions can come to share their ideas on culture, music, food and literature. We would have a platform to clear various myths on religion. We would also host plays on the influence of society and psychology on eating habits beside fusion of cuisines in both vegetarian and non-vegetarian segments.”
“I have decided to have such fair in Kolkata and not in some parts of Northern India because I want to give something back to the city where I was born. There will be lot of fun food fusion like Kebab Paturi, Kebab Kadi, Firni Pudding etc. I am sure the government will like my idea,” he said.
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