Why does my side profile look bad?
You’re just not used to seeing it. You’re probably most used to seeing your face-straight-on, like in a mirror or a selfie. It’s super common for people to be surprised when they see their face at other angles, and also to dislike it. Most of the time, it’s not because you actually look ugly, it’s just that the difference between your own perception and reality can be off-putting. The truth is, everyone else is already used to seeing your side profile, and the vast majority of people don’t think it looks weird or ugly. To them, it just looks like you!
It’s just not your best angle. Worst case scenario, your side profile might just not be your best angle, and that’s alright! Everyone’s got at least one angle that they find unflattering, and it’s totally normal. Even then, the reality is probably that it’s not even a bad angle, it’s just an angle that’s unfamiliar to you.
Your profile doesn’t match beauty standards. Celebrities and beauty influencers often reinforce beauty standards that just don’t make sense. That’s their job, and influencers especially make money off of making you feel like your appearance is subpar. And when you’re scrolling social media and constantly seeing people who look a certain way, it’s easy to start believing that that’s the “best” way to look.
What makes a “bad” side profile?
Beauty standards favor a strong chin and moderate features. Again, it’s all a matter of beauty standards, but beauty standards don’t reflect how the vast majority of everyday people look. All the same, you’ll probably hear celebs and influencers say that a pronounced chin makes a good side profile, and other features, like noses and brows, should be “toned down.” With that logic, a “bad” side profile supposedly includes a weak chin, large or irregular nose, strong brow, lacking cheek bones, or an unbalanced silhouette. Again, there’s no such thing as a “good” or “bad” side profile, and you should be suspicious of anyone who tries to tell you otherwise.
Improving Your Side Profile
Tilt your head slightly upward. Holding your chin slightly higher makes it more pronounced. It also makes you appear more confident, and appearing confident is something most people find attractive. Also, holding your chin low or inward can fold the skin of your neck, like you’re reacting negatively to something, which isn’t the best look.
Pull your shoulders back and stand straight. Proper posture affects every part of your appearance, from your height to your attitude and even to your profile. Standing straight accentuates your facial features, making them appear more natural and suited to you. Try to keep your head straight above your shoulders, and your shoulders straight above your hips, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Here’s a quick posture exercise: Stand with your back against the wall, pressing your head, shoulder blades, hips, and the back of your legs to the wall. Hold that pose for 2-3 minutes, and repeat it every morning.
Practice proper mouth posture. “Mouth posture” is how you hold your mouth when you’re not using it. Proper mouth posture can change the way your face looks, often for the better. To practice it, close your mouth and make sure your teeth are lightly touching and your tongue rests on the top, or roof, of your mouth. Holding your tongue to the roof of your mouth also lifts and tightens the skin and muscles under your chin, which is often seen as desirable.
Take photos from a higher angle. For many people, a higher angle is the most flattering for photos. Low angles tend to peek up your nose, and just look goofy in general. Aim to have the camera at the same height as your eyes, or even a little higher, if possible. Don’t go too high! Otherwise, you might look just as silly as from a low angle.
Do cardio to manage facial fat. Just like any other part of your body, your face is affected by your weight. Maintaining a healthy weight for your body type can help balance the shape of your face. Often, the best exercises for weight management are cardio exercises like running, biking, swimming, or anything that gets your heart rate up. Generally, most people should be getting 30-60 minutes of moderate exercise per day, oir 150 minutes per week. Keep in mind that you can’t control where you lose fat when you exercise. Often, results are cumulative, and you lose a little weight from everywhere.
Appreciate your side profile and unique facial features. You probably just think your side profile is ugly because it’s unfamiliar, and doesn’t get as much love in the mirror as your other features. One easy way to fix that is to take a couple photos of your side profile, look at them for a while, and pick out things you like. Positive self-talk can dramatically change your self-perception. For example, say, “I love how prominent my nose is. It looks regal and noble,” or, “My little chin is so cute!”
Consider therapy or cosmetic surgery if the problem is serious. For some people, dysphoria—when your perception of your body doesn’t match reality—can be a serious problem, especially for mental health. If you feel as though your appearance negatively impacts your mood, consider seeing a therapist to talk about why and discuss strategies to change that. Or, you and your therapist might decide cosmetic surgery is appropriate in your situation.
Does mewing change your side profile?
Mewing doesn’t change much, no. Mewing is a recent internet trend where people repeatedly make a “mewing” face to try and tone their facial muscles, achieving a more attractive appearance. Unfortunately, there’s little evidence it actually does anything, and many experts have debunked it as an effective method. That said, facial exercises can tone your facial muscles a bit, and while they may not make a dramatic difference, they can’t hurt!
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