Why do girls always go to the bathroom together?
To chat with each other The women’s bathroom is a prime spot for girl talk! What the girls are actually talking about while they’re in there, though, can be harder to pinpoint. It could be anything from basic chit-chat (catching up, making plans, trading style tips, etc.) to something more intimate, like getting or seeking emotional support. The girls may also want to talk about something that can’t be openly discussed in front of everyone. If the girls are acquaintances, they’re probably discussing lighter fare and making general small talk. If the girls are close friends, they may be talking about something more personal. For example, one girl may be giving her bestie a pep talk or discussing something important. If you’re on a double date or a group date, the girls are probably going to the bathroom together to discuss the night’s events thus far and touch base with each other.
To keep each other safe Girls instinctually pair up or group together simply because there’s safety in numbers, especially if they’re hanging out somewhere unfamiliar or super crowded. They may want to navigate the crowd together and protect each other from unwanted attention. Getting hit on or approached by a random person in public can be awkward, uncomfortable, or even scary (depending on the interaction), and having friends by your side feels a lot safer.
To touch up their hair and makeup Sometimes girls hit the bathroom to primp and share beauty products, especially at a club or crowded party where they’re dancing, drinking alcohol, and sweating. They might be reapplying makeup, borrowing each other’s lipstick or hairspray, or getting opinions about their outfits or hair before rejoining the crowd.
To gossip about someone or something If some kind of drama goes down, girls usually want to discuss it immediately. This reason is especially likely if the drama or gossip is super juicy; the bathroom is a private space where they can swear each other to secrecy. It’s also possible that the gossip revolves around someone within earshot, and the girls want to dish on the down low. For better or worse, gossiping in the girls' bathroom is pretty common.
To kill time while waiting in line There’s almost always a line for the women’s bathroom, especially when you’re hanging out at crowded places like bars, restaurants, and clubs. Waiting in line by yourself can be boring, so bringing friends along can help pass the time. Some girls feel awkward waiting in line by themselves, so the others will go to the bathroom to keep them company.
To share menstrual products (tampons, pads, etc.) Many girls don’t feel comfortable talking about their periods in front of guys or people that they don’t know well. After all, it’s a pretty private matter! If that time of the month strikes and a girl doesn’t have a tampon or pad with her, the next best option is to whisk another girl (or several) away to the bathroom to borrow one. Girls have each other’s backs!
To get help with a wardrobe malfunction The bathroom is a safe space to make adjustments or fix any outfit issue that a girl might be experiencing. Girls may go to the bathroom to help each other with something like that. Or, if one girl notices that her friend is having a wardrobe malfunction, she might bring her away to the bathroom to help her fix it in private rather than point it out in front of everyone.
To take mirror selfies Sometimes, a killer outfit or awesome hair day needs to be documented for social media. Since many public bathrooms have great lighting and full-length mirrors, they can be great places for girls to snap a few pics. If the girls are hanging out somewhere pretty dark, like a bar or club, they might head to the bathroom to take a cute group photo.
To avoid FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) If one or two girls leave for the bathroom, the remaining girls will have to stay behind and make awkward small talk. No one wants that! Plus, staying behind might mean missing out on something important, like crucial gossip or the opportunity to support a friend. If the girls all go together, no one misses a thing. Or, if the girls are already deep in conversation about something and one needs to go to the bathroom, the others will go along so they can carry on chatting.
To get some peace and quiet Social situations can be overwhelming, especially at places like bars, clubs, or rowdy parties where there’s a lot going on. Sometimes, girls go to the bathroom together just to get a quick break from the crowd and enjoy a few moments of peace before heading back out into the fray.
Why do girls go to the bathroom so frequently?
Girls do a lot of other things in the bathroom aside from using the toilet. They could be fixing their hair or makeup, taking a break from the crowd, snapping a selfie, chatting with other girls, or sending a private text. Who knows! But it’s pretty safe to say that a girl probably isn’t actually using the toilet every time she goes to the bathroom. That said, she could be going to the bathroom frequently because she’s on her period, dealing with some kind of stomach illness, or relieving herself after drinking a lot of liquid (caffeine, in particular, can make you pee a lot since it’s a diuretic). Regardless of the reason, it’s really not polite to ask a girl why she’s going to the bathroom so often unless you’re truly concerned about her well-being. Common health conditions that can cause frequent urination include pregnancy, diabetes, certain medications, and urinary tract or bladder issues.
Why do guys usually go to the bathroom alone?
Guys usually don’t socialize in the bathroom, so going alone makes sense. Many guys were raised or conditioned to follow unspoken bathroom rules like not making eye contact with other guys in the bathroom and keeping talking to an absolute minimum. Society has essentially discouraged males from cultivating the same type of camaraderie that women enjoy in public restrooms. Guys also go to the bathroom for reasons outside of just relieving themselves, just like girls do. They may want to get a moment of peace and quiet, wash their hands, or check for a piece of spinach in their teeth.
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