Guys are drawn to a girl who knows she rocks. Fortunately, you can fake it until you make it. Start by standing tall because good posture conveys confidence. Additionally, wear clothes that make you feel fabulous. You'll also feel more confident if you remind yourself of your best qualities. Confidence makes you gorgeous, so don’t worry about things like your height, shape, or size.
Nice Smile
A lovely smile lights up the room—and catches a guy’s eyes. Smile at guys you like when you see them in the halls at school. Additionally, draw attention to your lips by applying a lip product, like lip balm or gloss. The boys won’t be able to stop thinking about your smile. You might practice different smiles in the mirror so you can flash a flirty grin when you see your crush.
Charming Looks
Every guy has different qualities they look for in a girl. Because beauty is in the eye of the beholder, there’s not one “look” that makes a girl attractive. To look your best, highlight your best features and embrace what makes you unique. It may help to have a morning and evening routine to help you look and feel your best. Make time to wash your face, brush your teeth, pick an outfit, style your hair, and, if you like, put on makeup. Your body type really doesn’t matter as much as you might think. The right guy for you isn’t going to care about your size or shape.
Stylish Wardrobe
Make sure you look great before you step out the door. Wear your best looks at school, and snap yourself on the weekends. You don’t have to sacrifice your personal style to be trendy. Instead, follow the trends that reflect your individuality and flatter your body type. You’ll look great, and you’re sure to turn some heads. Short on cash? Share clothes with your friends, shop sales, or buy second-hand from a thrift store or online. Got a school uniform? Accessorize it! Don’t forget that you can post your outfits on social media, too.
Nice Smell
Sometimes the way to a guy’s heart is through his nose. Teen guys probably don’t sit around thinking about body lotions and perfume, but they notice when you smell amazing. If you’re into body care, pick a scent that you love so you can enjoy smelling wonderful all day. They boys will surely notice. You don’t have to douse yourself in fragrances to get a guy. If you aren’t into beauty products, it’s okay to skip this.
Similar Interests
When you share interests, you have more fun together. Does this mean you should ditch all of your interests and become the female version of your crush? Nope. A few common interests is all it takes to impress the guy you like. Maybe you both play soccer, like the same band, or enjoy acting. Figure out what you have in common with a guy and talk to him about that.
Goals or Hobbies
Having a fun, ambitious personality makes you interesting. Make sure you’re carving out time to pursue your goals or hobbies. Audition for the school play, make bracelets to sell, enter the school talent show, try out for the Volleyball team, dominate the debate team, or start a comic book club. It doesn’t matter what you’re into—just go for it. Talk about your goals at school so people know you’re ambitious. Additionally, post about them on your social media.
Brains are just as important as beauty. You can show off your smarts by sharing facts you’ve learned or by discussing topics you’re studying in school. Additionally, dressing the part convinces people around you that you’re super smart. Guys will quickly recognize that you’re the total package. It’s totally normal to struggle in some subjects. If that’s the case, focus on your strong areas. You might not do well in English class, but science may be where you shine.
Sense of Humor
Dudes love it when you think they’re funny. Even if his jokes are bad, laugh like you think they’re hilarious. He’ll appreciate that you get his sense of humor, and it’ll make him want to keep talking to you. That being said, call him out if his jokes are offensive. There’s no room for racism or sexism. Teasing is a huge turn-off for most guys. Even if you’re just joking, teasing will make them feel embarrassed.
Flirty Behavior
Flirt by making eye contact and smiling when you see him. You might also wink or wave at him. When you talk to him, lean toward him, twirl your hair, and smile a lot. Additionally, listen intently to what he’s saying and nod along so he knows you’re interested. He’ll also love getting compliments from you. Make a point to tell guys when you like their outfit or to congratulate them on an accomplishment.
Guys appreciate it when you take the time to get to know them. Pepper him with questions about his life, what he likes, and what his goals are. Pay attention to what he says and ask follow-up questions. People love to talk about themselves! Here are some questions to get you started: What do you like to do after school? What clubs do you participate in? What are your hobbies? What’s your dream job?
Dudes want space—so they want a girl who does, too. Make it clear to guys that you have boundaries around your time so you aren’t available every second of the day. Additionally, protect blocks of time so you can work on school work, hang out with friends, or pursue your interests. He’ll appreciate that you have a full, active life. Teen guys hate the idea of being “locked down.” It’s a huge turn-off to them. They’re attracted to independent girls because they won’t feel trapped.
He’ll love it if you reach out first. Send him a simple, “Hey, how’s it going” to break the ice. Keep him engaged in your conversation by talking about the things you have in common, talking about fun things, and asking him interesting questions. Just make sure you wait until he responds before you send another text. If you don’t have his phone number, try messaging him on social media. After you have a conversation going, you can ask for his digits.
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