How to Use a Clutch on a Dirtbike
How to Use a Clutch on a Dirtbike
This is an article about using a clutch on a dirt bike. Dirt-biking can be fun, but on the other hand, hard, and dangerous.

Go out to an open area.

Start the bike with the kick starter on the right side, beside your right leg.

Always let your bike warm up before riding to prevent damage to your engine.

When ready, pull in the clutch all the way, then on the left side, push down on the shifter to put the bike into first gear.

Gently give the bike gas while letting the clutch out slowly. When you need to shift gears, it is up to you to use the clutch to shift up or down. However not using it will tear up your gears.

To put the bike in neutral when the bike is not on, depending on the bike, shift down until it is in first then lightly click up a gear. If it rolls forward without stopping then it is in neutral. For bikes with only 3 gears neutral is always the lowest gear. To be sure, tap down about 5 or six times.

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