How to Perform a Full Moon Tarot Reading
How to Perform a Full Moon Tarot Reading
The full moon has arrived, and with it comes a period of emotional crescendo. Take full advantage of this resonant lunar event to do a special tarot reading that’ll offer some invaluable insight on your current emotional and spiritual state, as well as where to go from here (and how to proceed). We’ll show you how to perform this reading, and also fill you in on why the full moon offers such a unique opportunity. Plus, we’ll give you a few full moon rituals to perform alongside your reading so you can take full advantage of this moment.This article is based on an interview with our psychic astrologer, Stina Garbis, owner of Psychic Stina. Check out the full interview here.
Things You Should Know
  • Shuffle your tarot deck and lay down 2 rows of 3 cards. Read these cards starting with the top left and working to the right.
  • The first card offers insight into your life since the new moon, and the second card offers insight into your present self. The third suggests what the future holds.
  • The fourth card tells you what you need to release, while the fifth and sixth tell you how to release it, and the resources you’ll need to do so.

Performing a Full Moon Reading

Shuffle your tarot deck and lay 6 cards face-down in 2 rows. You’ll read the cards like a book, starting with the top left card and working to the right, then onto the next row. Card 1: Your past Card 2: Your present Card 3: Your future Card 4: What needs to be released Card 5: How to release your energy Card 6: What will help with your releaseCard 1: Insight into your recent past. This first card tells you what’s happened to you since the last full moon, or what you’ve manifested for yourself since then. You may already have some ideas about your experiences in the past few weeks, but this card provides further perspective and insight.Card 2: Insight into your present. This card tells you about how you’re feeling right now, emotionally and spiritually. It also tends to reveal certain truths you may not want to acknowledge. It can be tricky to read cards about your present, since you’re in the thick of it. Let the card sit for a moment and speak to you. Visualize how you feel, and try not to second-guess your reading.Card 3: What will soon unfold. If you set an intention at the new moon, this card will reveal if that intention will manifest before the next new moon. If not, this card will offer more general insight into the weeks to come, or opportunities that lie ahead.Card 4: What you need to release. This new row of cards offers insight on how to leave your negative energies behind. First, we look at what it is you need to let go of so that you can turn your mind to manifesting something new. This is often some emotional burden that’s been monopolizing your thoughts, and which is no longer serving you.Card 5: How to release your energy. The full moon is a time of extremes, when things are most acutely felt. But if you don’t release those feelings or manifestations, they might bubble over or spoil. This card offers some insight into how to do just that.Card 6: What will help you release. Similar to the fifth card, this card explains a bit about the how. It’s a little more specific, however, revealing certain tools or resources you may not have known you had.

Closing Rituals for a Full Moon Reading

Journal about your full moon spread to help focus your energy. After you’ve completed your spread, leave the cards out while you contemplate them. Jot down any and every thought that comes to mind to externalize that energy. Take your time, and don’t stop writing until it feels right to do so. This helps you fully absorb and understand the cards, as well as how to proceed during the rest of the moon’s cycle. Also, take some time to write down your achievements or successful manifestations. Acknowledging how far you’ve come is key in pushing yourself even further.

Or, write your manifestations down. Now’s the time to put energy out into the world in order to get that energy back. Write down what you’re manifesting and make it as specific and detailed as possible. Then, write down all the ways you can think of that your manifestation could come to you. Opening these channels and possibilities may help it arrive. Then, set your written manifestation somewhere safe, along with an offering like a crystal or a flower to help seal it. For example, if you’re trying to manifest a perfect romantic partner, describe their personality, features, and even their name. Then, describe all the ways you can imagine meeting them—at a cafe, in a class, on the walk home, etc. The more thorough you are, the more powerful your manifestation!

Try burning a paper that holds everything you want to release. On a scrap of paper, write down everything that troubles you, or anything you want to leave behind as the moon cycles progresses. Emotional burdens, stresses, physical ailments—whatever you can think of. Then, burn the paper over a candle (while being careful of proper fire safety) to release those burdens and help you as you manifest new things. Hold the paper over a fireproof bowl as you burn it to catch the energy (along with any stray ashes or burning scraps).

Spiritual Significance of the Full Moon

The full moon strengthens your emotions and desires. Just as the moon directs the tides, so it directs your emotional and spiritual life. When it’s full, its pull is strongest. You may feel yourself surrendering to your wants or being more keenly aware of your needs. But when all these sensations are at their strongest, it can lead to some mental noise. The full moon occurs over a course of 3 days each month, which gives you an extended period of heightened emotions.

Each full moon is astrologically different. Each lunar cycle occurs during a particular planetary configuration. This means that when the moon is full, it pairs with the dominant sign and its power is augmented. For example, if the moon is full during Aries season, you may have to navigate elevated levels of anger, since that’s an emotion that’s an Aries hallmark.

The full moon is a time of illumination and release. With the light of the full moon comes a host of revelations on many aspects of your life—behaviors, thoughts, manifestations, relationships. These are all coming to a head and asking to be let go. These revelations may offer clarity, or they might add confusion. In any case, this illumination period is a time for contemplation and release of pent-up emotions as you find your way forward at the height of the moon’s cycle.

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