How to Make Money on Instagram with 500 Followers: 7 Effective Strategies
How to Make Money on Instagram with 500 Followers: 7 Effective Strategies
Once you gain a big following on Instagram, all kinds of new money-making opportunities open up. But what if you’re an aspiring influencer who’s still building a fanbase? The good news is that there are still a variety of ways to make Instagram pay, even if you only have 500 followers. In this article, we’ll talk you through some of the easiest ways to earn an income on Instagram, from using affiliate links to becoming a brand ambassador.

Use affiliate links.

Affiliate programs let you earn a commission for every sale. This is one of the easiest ways to earn money on Instagram. To get started, sign up for an affiliate program through a website that offers products or services related to the theme of your Instagram account. Add an affiliate link to your bio and draw attention to it in your posts, stories, and reels, or put a relevant link in the description below each post. For instance, if you’re a musician, you might sign up for an affiliate program with a store like Guitar Center or Sam Ash. Unfortunately, you can only post one link in your Instagram bio at a time. If you want to add links to multiple affiliate programs or products to your bio, you can do so using a service like Linktree, Linkfolio, or Shorby. These services allow you to create a landing page with multiple links. Instagram is piloting its own affiliate program, but it isn’t available to many users yet. To use it, you’ll need a professional Instagram account. Visit your professional dashboard and see if you have access to the Set up affiliate link to get started.

Add a virtual tip jar to your bio.

Try linking to a service like Patreon or Ko-Fi. If you have multiple accounts where people can pay you or send tips, add them to a Linktree or Linkfolio. You can also direct your fans to the link in the descriptions of your posts. For example, say something like, “If you enjoy my art, leave me a tip on PayPal! Find the link in my bio.”

Set up an Instagram store.

With a business account, you can sell products directly from Instagram. If you don’t already have a business account, set one up by going into your account’s Settings and tapping Account. From there, tap Switch to Professional Account, then tap Business. If you already have a business page set up on Facebook, follow the prompts to connect it to your Instagram account and fill in information about your business. Then, you’ll need to set up a store using Facebook’s Commerce Manager and connect it to your Instagram account. If you don’t have a shop on Facebook, you can also use other supported commerce platforms, such as Shopify or BigCommerce. You can also use Instagram to advertise your business on another platform, even if it isn’t set up to connect directly to Instagram. For instance, you could add a link to your online store in your bio, or link to product pages in the descriptions of individual posts. Once you have some products to sell, create interesting content around them to get your customers’ attention. For example, you might make a post showing your creation process, or post pictures and videos of happy customers with your products.

Drive traffic to your monetized accounts.

Use Instagram to advertise your personal website. For example, if you run a blog where you get paid for running ads, you can promote new posts on Instagram. Make sure to include a link in the description, or add one to your bio. If you have other monetized accounts, such as a YouTube channel that brings in money, you can advertise those on Instagram as well. When you put links in your post captions, consider using a URL-shortening service such as Bitly or TinyURL to make the links more manageable.

Advertise your services on Instagram.

This is a good option if you have any in-demand skills. For instance, if you’re a graphic designer, video editor, or consultant, you can use Instagram to help build your business. Make posts showing examples of your work and invite viewers to send you a private message or shoot you an email if they’re interested. If you have a business page, put a link to it in your profile. To promote your business on Instagram successfully, here are a few tips and tricks to keep in mind: Post on a consistent schedule so your followers will always have something new to look forward to. Share your best work so customers can see what you’re capable of. Create content that’s interesting and engaging, while still relating to your business—customers will be more likely to stick around if you post stuff that’s helpful to them in addition to just advertising your services. Look for opportunities to engage with your followers, even if that just means answering a few comments on every post.

Become a brand ambassador.

Reach out to a business you’re interested in promoting. As a brand ambassador, you become part of the brand’s public face. Not only will you advertise their products, but you’ll also be expected to engage with potential customers, answer people’s questions about the brand, and create interesting content related to the brand. In exchange, the company may offer to pay you or give you other perks. To find brand ambassador gigs, ping the company you want to work with on their social media, or send them an email. In some cases, you can find brand ambassador jobs posted on job boards or the company’s website. Choose a brand you already like that is aligned with your interests and the sorts of things you already post about on your Instagram. For instance, if you’re a photographer, reach out to companies that sell cameras or other photography supplies. Many companies will take your follower count into consideration when deciding whether to accept you as a brand ambassador. However, smaller companies or local businesses in particular might be willing to work with you even if you have a relatively small following.

Take advantage of sponsored posts.

Sponsored posts are paid advertisements for a product or service. This approach is similar to becoming a brand ambassador, but with less long-term commitment to a single brand. Reach out to companies that sell products or services that match with your personal interests and the kind of content you usually post on Instagram, and ask if they’d be interested in paying you to advertise for them. You can also connect with potential sponsors through services like The Mobile Media Lab or Influicity. You don’t have to have a huge follower count to get a sponsorship. In fact, many small businesses are happy to sponsor niche content creators who have a small but devoted fanbase. For instance, if you mostly post about exotic pets, you might be able to score a sponsorship from a pet supply company, even if you don’t have a huge number of followers. Typically, sponsored posts feature hashtags that clarify that they are paid advertisements, such as #ad or #sponsoredpost. Ask your sponsor if there are any other specific hashtags they’d like you to use.

Promote local businesses through your Instagram account.

Approach businesses in your area and ask if they’ll pay you to advertise. This is a great way to support your local community, build your following, and make money at the same time. Look for creative ways to work together with business owners to drive customers to their stores. For instance, the business might offer a small discount to any customer who says they found out about their store from your Instagram account.

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