How to Know If You Are Psychic
How to Know If You Are Psychic
Many people believe in psychic powers. While there is little evidence for psychic powers, some people are occasionally able to correctly predict events in the future. If you've ever predicted something before it occurred, you may have psychic powers. Think about your intuition, dream habits, and any physical signs. However, as psychic powers are not a proven phenomenon, it's important to rule out other explanations. Unusual physical sensations and thoughts should be evaluated by a medical professional. Do not assume they're caused by psychic powers.

Evaluating Your Intuition

Listen to your gut. Those who believe in psychic powers feel those who have them can sense things before they occur. Spiritual Life Coach Jennifer McVey explains, "we all have psychic senses, like your intuition or that sixth sense that [...] there's something going on." In other words, you may be prone to very strong "gut feelings" one way or another about a situation. Try to tune in to your gut feeling over the course of a few days and see how accurate it is. You may get gut feelings about a situation that prove to be true. This does not have to be something major. It can be a small gut feeling. For example, you feel drawn into a clothing store to find the perfect outfit.

See if you make small-scale predictions. Not all predictions are major. While some people claim to have predicted natural disasters or other major events, many people who think they have psychic powers can make predictions on a small scale. Pay attention to whether tiny flashes of intuition prove true. Spiritual Life Coach Jennifer McVey suggests tethering your predictions to physical objects like tarot cards at first: "Your subconscious mind is the part of the mind that creates your life. So it's also the part of the mind that would know what card was in that deck in the order they're all in. So if you're needing an answer to a question [...] and you pull a tarot card, your subconscious mind would automatically stop shuffling at the perfect time for you to get the answer that you need at that moment." You can also pay attention to nonphysical things. For example, you may know who's calling the second your phone rings, predict the general timeframe a package will arrive to your house, or know what song will play on the radio next. Some of these small predictions may be a coincidence or based on knowledge you already have. If your mom always calls at a certain time, for example, it's not unusual to assume she's calling when your phone rings. However, if such predictions occur frequently, they could be a sign of psychic powers.

Note your capacity for empathy. Those who believe in psychics feel they're more intuitive about other people's emotions. Spiritual Life Coach Jennifer McVey explains, "it's very different between having empathy for someone and actually being empathetic [meaning] you can actually pick up their feelings and know what they're feeling. That would be your special sense." Think about whether you know someone's feeling without having to be told. If you know someone well, it's not uncommon to sense what they're feeling. People often give off unconscious tells about their feelings, which most people who know them well pick up on. Psychics, however, can allegedly read energy even from strangers. If you have physic powers, you may feel a deep connection to a stranger's energy. You may, for example, pass someone in the grocery store and get a sense of sadness or happiness from them. A psychic's capacity for empathy is allegedly very strong. You will not just be able to sense people's emotions but you may feel them as if they're your own.

Evaluate whether you feel past experiences without being told. Psychics can supposedly get a sense of another person's past and history. This can happen with people who are living or with ghosts. For example, Spiritual Life Coach Jennifer McVey explains that you might "sense things about people that used to live in a house, or you're talking to someone and they're telling you about a little boy that has passed away and you start getting impressions of what that person was like or what memories they had." If so, you may have psychic powers. This can happen with living people too. For example, you meet a stranger at party and get images in your mind's eye of palm trees and beaches. Later, you find out this person grew up in California. You may also get a sense of experiences from someone's past. For example, you may meet someone and feel a sense of abandonment or deep loss. Later, you may find out something about the person's past that points to this. Maybe one of their parents died young, for example, or left the family.

See if you sense danger. Those who feel they have psychic powers feel they can sense danger. Spiritual Life Coach Jennifer McVey emphasizes that this may manifest as a physical feeling of "your hair [standing up] on your arms. Or that feeling that stands up on the back of your neck, or you'll get goosebumps." Think about times when you've had a sense of foreboding. Did this ever prove true? If so, you may be psychically gifted. For example, you may feel a strong sense you should not enter a building or attend a social event. Later, you may find out something dangerous happened there. For example, maybe there was a fire at a department store you felt wary about entering.

Noticing Involuntary Signs

Think about your interests. Psychics may have strong natural interests in the paranormal. Evaluate your interests throughout the course of your life. Have you always been curious about things like ghosts, reincarnation, and premonitions? If so, this could potentially point to psychic powers.

Notice sudden anxiety. Those who believe in psychic power believe psychics can feel energy around them. You may experience sudden anxiety in response to the world around you. This is especially common in places where people may have had traumatic experiences, such as cemeteries and hospitals. You may also feel anxiety suddenly during the day without cause. This could be because, without knowing it, you passed by a place where someone suffered trauma. You may also feel anxious when alone sometimes. You may, for example, be frightened when alone at night or in the dark.

Evaluate your dreams. People who believe in psychic powers feel psychics are prone to very vivid dreams. This may be because physics are able to feel the energy of the world around them and this may manifest in very intense dreams. If your dreams are usually vivid, you may have psychic powers. On occasion, aspects of your dreams may appear in real life. For example, you may dream you lose an object only to really lose it the next day.

Notice frequent deja-vu. Deja-vu is the sense of experiencing something before it occurs. Those who believe in psychic powers believe deju-vu is a result of unconsciously experiencing things before they occur. If you have psychic powers, you may very frequently experience deja-vu. It may occur multiple times a week instead of just once in awhile, for example.

See if you have synesthesia. Synesthesia is a mixing of the senses. You may get a sense of taste when you hear a sound or associate a color with a particular person. Those who believe in psychic powers feels psychics are more prone to synesthesia. You may eventually find your synesthesia helps you make accurate predictions. Someone who gives off a yellow vibe, for example, may be very friendly, while darker colors like deep blues may indicate a mean or brooding personality.

See a doctor or therapist for any concerning signs. While many people believe psychic powers are real, there is no scientific evidence to back this up. Many signs of psychic powers, like acute anxiety, can be signs of underlying mental health conditions or physical problems. Before assuming signs indicate psychic powers, see a doctor and therapist to rule out medically-proven conditions.

Paying Attention to Physical Signs

Notice frequent tingling sensations. People who believe in psychic powers feel psychics can pick up on energy in a room or from a person. This may manifest itself in bodily sensations. You may feel odd tingling sensations or butterflies in your stomach frequently throughout the day. You may eventually find sensations are related to certain events or emotions. You may, for example, feel a tingling sensation when a loved one is in danger.

Pay attention to twitches. Some believe psychic powers may manifest themselves in nervous twitches. You may start to have a twitch in your arm or eyelid, for example, when something is wrong. Notice if you're prone to unusual twitches and whether they're related to your environment at all.

Evaluate unusual sensitivity. Some people believe psychics are naturally more physically sensitive. You may physically off in response to certain events or emotions. For example, bad news may cause you to feel weak, fatigued, or nauseated.

See a doctor for unusual physical sensations. As psychic powers are not a proven phenomenon, it's important to see a doctor for physical symptoms. Heightened sensitivity, twitches, and tingling sensations can point to underlying medical conditions. Rule these out before assuming such sensations are caused by psychic powers.

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