How to Have Rizz as a Girl & Flirt with Your Crush
How to Have Rizz as a Girl & Flirt with Your Crush
You’ve heard about guys having rizz, or that effortless ability to attract or flirt with someone. The real question is: Can you have rizz as a girl? Well, of course you can! Rizz is short for charisma, and it isn’t limited to any gender. If you’re a girl who’s ready to dial up your charm, boost your confidence, and max out your rizz, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve put together a list of 15 top tips for being smooth and having rizz as a girl.
Have Rizz as a Girl: A Quick Guide

Make eye constant and then smile.

Catch his eye, then hit him with a sly smile to show interest. This is the perfect first move to show your unspoken rizz. Making direct eye contact from across a room says, “Hey, I notice you.” Then, a genuine smile says, “I like what I see.” This combination is one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal for flirting with a guy. Deploy it when you see a guy you like to send your rizz quotient through the roof. Flirting with your eyes makes you and your potential partner feel more connected. It can also help you understand them better. Don’t make your smile too big, or they may just think you’re generally friendly. Try making your expression a little coy and mysterious by turning your head slightly down and to one side and then looking up at him. This says, “I’m vulnerable but open to you.”

Give him the eyebrow flash.

Show him you like what you see with a quick eyebrow flash. An eyebrow flash—or quickly raising and lowering your eyebrows—is a subtle but effective way to show interest. This unconscious expression usually signals pleasure at seeing another person, but you can use it on purpose to show more of your rizz. However, people also use the eyebrow flash to greet friends or get someone’s attention from across a room in a non-flirty way. Pair an eyebrow flash with a smile and direct eye contact for a rizzier vibe. An eyebrow flash is usually just one quick up and down of your eyebrows. Avoid waggling your eyebrows until you’re using the expression to be funny.

Work your body language to get his attention.

Use open body language to show you’re approachable. Stand or sit up straight, facing toward him without crossing your arms to signal you’re interested and approachable. This lets him know you’re friendly and open to talking with him. Open body language while you’re in a conversation also lets him know you’re paying attention to him. Avoid tapping your toes or examining your fingernails, which might make him feel like you’re bored. Instead, casually show the underside of your wrist or flip back your hair to expose the side of your neck to signal attraction. If all else fails, arch your back slightly to lift your chest and stick out your butt. This accentuates your figure and shows you’re willing to be courted. Once you start chatting, show you’re listening by tilting your head or leaning toward him.

Say hello to him.

Don’t be afraid to approach him to say “hi.” Sometimes, making the first move is the hardest part of flirting. However, confidence is a big part of getting more rizz. Plus, it’s an extremely attractive trait in another person. So, walk right up to him and say “hi.” Remember, everyone appreciates a friendly greeting, and it makes you stand out from the crowd. When you say hello, it doesn’t even have to be the start of a big conversation. Sometimes, just saying “hi” as you walk past him on your way to the restroom is all you need. Or, ask him if he knows where the restroom is or some other innocent question. Saying hello is a low-risk approach that allows you to gauge his interest. If you say “hi” and he ignores you or gives a quick “hi” before going back to his conversation, he’s not interested at the moment, and you can move on. If he turns toward you with a smile, it might mean he recognizes your rizz. When in doubt, just introduce yourself. Smile and say something like, “Hey, I don’t think we’ve met yet. I’m [your name].” Or, you can try out an ultra-smooth—or cheesy—rizz line on him.

Ask his opinion.

Asking a guy what he thinks is a great conversation starter. Having rizz and flirting is about making the other person feel good in your presence. When you ask a guy for his opinion on something, you’re subtly telling him you think his opinion is valuable. That’s a subtle way to compliment him and give you something to talk about. It also gives you to opportunity to casually suggest a date. For example, ask him what he thinks of the new restaurant that opened nearby. If he says he likes it or has never been, say something like, “We should go sometime!” Keep it casual. You’re just putting the idea of going out with you in his head.

Ask him questions to learn more about him.

Show your rizz by asking thoughtful questions. Asking questions opens the conversation and lets him know you genuinely care about getting to know him. Ask him about his interests to find out what he’s passionate about. Everyone loves to talk about their passions. Once you get him talking, ask follow-up questions to keep the conversation going. For example: “I heard you’re really into hiking. What’s the coolest trail you’ve hiked?” or “I heard you like going to live shows. What’s the best concert you’ve ever seen?” If you don’t know what he’s passionate about and don’t want to ask him directly, try an interesting hypothetical question like, “If you could time travel, would you go to the past or the future?” or “What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given.

Mirror his body language.

Take a drink or shift your weight when he does. Mirroring body language helps create a subconscious sense of similarity and comfort with another person. In many cases, it’s something you do without thinking about as you grow comfortable with another person. Also known as the chameleon effect, it helps make the other person like you more. Use mirroring to build a sense of connection by subtly mimicking his movements. If he crosses his legs, wait a moment, then subtly do the same. If he takes a sip of his drink, do it shortly after. However, it’s also possible to do a little too much mirroring, which is more creepy or cringe than rizz. Not sure if you have rizz? Take our Do I Have Rizz? Quiz to find out!

Use his name.

Make the conversation more personal by dropping his name. Using a person’s name is a quick way to get their attention and show your rizz as a girl. It causes their brain to perk up no matter what they're thinking about. It also helps to show you’re interested in him personally and makes the conversation more engaging. Just make sure you don’t use it with every sentence, or it gets awkward really fast. For example, say: “That’s so funny, Alex! I never would have guessed.” or “You know what, Will, I think you’re onto something.” However, if you get the name wrong or mispronounce it, it’s a big turn-off.

Playfully challenge him.

Add a little spice with a friendly competition. Raise your rizz immediately by challenging him to a fun activity like a game, trivia contest, or something else you're both good at. It makes your interactions exciting and keeps things interesting. It doesn’t have to be money. Say something like, “The loser has to post an embarrassing selfie.” Make things more interesting—and flirty—by placing a little wager. For example: “I bet I could beat you at trivia—I’m basically a walking encyclopedia of random facts. Want to test me?” If you’re really confident in your abilities, say something like, “Loser has to buy me dinner.”

Laugh at his jokes.

Show you have a sense of humor. Laughing at a guy’s jokes shows you enjoy his company and appreciate his efforts to make you laugh. Plus, it creates a positive vibe and makes hanging around with you more fun. Also, studies show guys love it when a girl laughs at their jokes. He’ll see you as more fun and attractive. Show your rizz by laughing at his jokes, even if they’re a little cringe. It’s a great way to boost his confidence and make him feel good around you. Studies have shown that men are more attracted to women who laugh at their jokes than women who tell them a joke.

Pay him a sincere compliment.

Try to give him a compliment he doesn’t hear often. Paying sincere compliments are a big part of having rizz. Instead of focusing on looks, compliment something unique about him—like his sense of humor, his passion for his hobbies, or how he treats his friends. Compliments about someone’s appearance are nice, but they can also make people feel awkward. A genuine compliment about his character stands out and still makes him feel special. For example, say something like, “I really admire how you always stay so positive, even when things get tough. It’s really inspiring.” or “You’re so funny! I could hang out with you all day.” Don’t get too physical or sexual right away. Dishing out spicy compliments when you first meet a guy may seem like you’re coming on too strong.

Break the touch barrier.

Touch him on the arm or shoulder as you talk. Breaking the touch barrier is a rizz cheat code. When you touch a guy, he tends to become more attracted to you. Light, casual touches also signal your interest and help create a closer connection. For example, when he says something funny, lightly touch his arm and say, “You’re too much!” If you’re emphasizing a point, gently place your hand on his shoulder and say, “No, seriously, you have to listen to this.” When you first meet, keep your touches on his arms, hands, or shoulders. If you’re sitting side-by-side, let your shoulders and thighs brush against his. The next time you see him, greet him with a hug.

Leave him wanting more.

Say goodbye before he does. The second you start to feel the conversation start to drag, make your exit. If the conversation goes on too long, it could tank a great flirting session. He might get bored or distracted if you run out of things to talk about. Then, that’s the impression you leave him with. There’s nothing that shows you have rizz more than saying your goodbyes and walking away while he's still interested. That way, he looks forward to seeing you again. Remember, the best way to avoid an awkward pause is to head home before it happens. This is also a good opportunity to leave the door open and get together later.

Make casual plans together.

Suggest getting together again as you say goodbye. Relationship Coach Candice Mostisser says, “I encourage making theoretical plans together if you find you have mutual interests. If you both love cooking, come up with a theoretical plan like ‘Oh, it would be so fun to go together to the farmer's market, get some fresh veggies, and cook something together one day.’” For example, if you both like Mexican food, you could say something like, "We should check out that new Mexican place sometime." That way, you've already planted the idea that you'll see him again.

Send a unique or intriguing text.

Send an interesting link, voice note, or photo to get his attention. Never send a simple “hey” or “hi” text. It might seem like a good way to start a conversation, but it’s a little too obvious if you want to have rizz and flirt over text. Instead, open with something that captures their attention and makes them want to answer right away. For example, send them a link with the text, “This made me think of you.” They won’t be able to resist checking it out. Another option is sending them a voice note instead of a normal text to say good morning. Or, send him a selfie of you out doing something fun with the text, “Wish you were here!”

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