
Trustworthy Source
Internal Revenue Service
U.S. government agency in charge of managing the Federal Tax Code
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Trustworthy Source
Internal Revenue Service
U.S. government agency in charge of managing the Federal Tax Code
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Completing Your Application
Confirm your eligibility. You generally are eligible to get an EIN if you have a valid Taxpayer Identification Number yourself (such as a Social Security number). The IRS limits applications to one per day for each "responsible party," which is the person who controls or manages the entity to be identified by the EIN. Examples of responsible parties include business owners or executors of estates. If you own a small business or are self-employed and want an EIN for business purposes, the IRS considers you the responsible party.
Decide how you want to apply. You can either apply for an EIN online, or you can print a paper copy of the application form and fax or mail it to the IRS. You can apply online if your residence or principal place of business is within the U.S. Simply go to https://sa.www4.irs.gov/modiein/individual/index.jsp to get started. You also have the option of filling out Form SS-4 and mailing or faxing it to the appropriate IRS office. If you are an international applicant (in other words, you live or your principal place of business is overseas), you have the additional option of applying by telephone. Call 267-941-1099 anytime Monday through Friday between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. Eastern time.
Download the application. Even if you're filling out your application online, you may want to download the application and look over to make sure you have handy all the information you'll need. If you want an EIN, you must file Form SS-4 with the IRS. You can download the form at https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fss4.pdf. Depending on the reason you need an EIN, you may not have to fill out the form in its entirety. A chart on page 2 of the paper form explains which lines you must fill out depending on the reason you're requesting an EIN. If you apply for an EIN online, the application is an interview-style format in which an application is filled out for you based on your answers to questions.
Submit your application. If you've filled out the paper application, you must either fax or mail it to the IRS. If your principal place of business or legal residence is in one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia, you can mail your form to Internal Revenue Service, Attn: EIN Operation, Cincinnati, OH, 45999. If you are overseas, the address is the same, but you should mail it "Attn: EIN International Operation." If you're faxing your application form, U.S. applicants should fax it to (859) 669-5760. International applicants should fax their applications to (859) 669-5987.
Using Your EIN
Receive your EIN. If you applied online, you will get an EIN immediately. Otherwise, you must wait until it is mailed or faxed to you. If you faxed your application, you will receive a return fax with your EIN within four business days if you provide your fax number. Otherwise, you will receive it in the mail. If you mail your application, expect it to take approximately four weeks to process before you receive your EIN in the mail.
Register with your state. Most states require businesses to register for a business license and pay business taxes. The IRS maintains a page with links to state websites so you can find out what your state's license and taxation requirements are. Visit https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/state-links-1 and click on your state. If your business needs any state or local business licenses, you also must apply for them with your EIN. Keep in mind that if you own or operate a nonprofit organization and plan on applying for tax-exempt status, your organization must be legally formed before you request an EIN. After your EIN is issued, your tax-exempt status will be revoked if you fail to file the required return for three years.
Open a bank account. If you need to open a bank account for your business, you should use your business's EIN rather than your own name and Social Security number. Typically to open a business bank account, you also must present documents such as a business license or business name registration that prove the name of your business. Other documents may be required to show your registration as a particular type of business entity such as an LLC or corporation. Check with the bank where you plan to open your account to find out what type of documentation is required before you begin. Depending on the type of business you operate, you may be able to open the account online or you may be required to open your account in person at a branch.
File state and federal taxes. Business taxes will be filed under your business's EIN rather than under your own Social Security number, even if you are a sole proprietor. Keep in mind it will take up to two weeks for your EIN to be part of the IRS's permanent records. You can't file electronic returns or make electronic payments until that happens. If you have a return or deposit due before you receive your EIN, enter "Applied for" in the space for the number and include the date you filed your application. You should never use your own Social Security number.
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