How to Encourage Your Lazy Child to Study
How to Encourage Your Lazy Child to Study
Children who are reluctant to study can be very problematic for parents; they often end up with bad grades on their tests and report cards. It's understandable that parents get worried about their child's future in these situations. Read on to know how to help them with their studies.

Explain to your child the reasons why they need to study. Tell them that they will get much better grades in school, and ask them "how would you feel if you got a big red F in a test because you didn't study?". When your child says they would be sad about it, ask them what it would feel like to get an A. Older children can be told that they will have better opportunities for jobs if they pass important exams with good grades.

Buy some educational books relevant to the age of your child. Encourage him/her to look through them to see if their material is not too hard or too easy, however it's important to stretch your child when it comes to learning.

Help your child while they are studying. Make it clear that you'll always be available if he/she needs help with something.

Create a reward system. Buy some gold star stickers and print out a calendar of the month (you can use your own calendar for this too). Tell your child that you will give them a gold star for each day they study, and when they collect enough stars they will earn a special treat. Ideas for rewards include a day out, giving your child his/her favourite food, buying your child something they want etc.

Show kindness. Don't be strict or rude.

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