How to Cut a Grapefruit
How to Cut a Grapefruit
A grapefruit is a tasty citrus fruit that can be enjoyed on its own or in a variety of salads or beverages. You can cut a grapefruit in a variety of ways, whether you want to slice it, section it, or enjoy it inside its own half. If you want to know how to cut grapefruit, just follow these steps.

Sectioning a Grapefruit

Cut off both ends of a grapefruit. Place the grapefruit on its side on a cutting board and use a sharp knife to cut about 1/4 inches (.6 cm) away from the round points at the end of each grapefruit. This will make the grapefruit easier to section.

Turn the grapefruit so one of the cut ends faces you. The other end can rest on one of the ends you cut off for extra cushion.

Make several 1/4 inch (.6 cm) slices into the outer edge of the grapefruit. Use a knife to make these slices all the way around the edges of the grapefruit. This will make it easier to peel the grapefruit. Turn the grapefruit about 1/8 of a turn each time you cut into another section. Keep doing this until you've made the cuts all the way around the grapefruit.

Use the knife to peel the grapefruit. Now that you've made the slices, it'll be a bit easier to peel the grapefruit. Just run the knife along the skin of the grapefruit, peeling off every little cut section at a time until all of the skin is peeling off. If there's any remaining skin after you've gone around the entire grapefruit, slice the remaining white part off before you continue.

Cut off each section with the knife. Now that you've peeled off the skin, you can use a knife to cut out each individual section until you've separated the grapefruit by sections. You can enjoy the grapefruit on its own or in a fruit salad or a variety of other salads.

Halving a Grapefruit

Turn the grapefruit on its side. The ends of the grapefruit with the small circles on them should be across from each other, on either side of the grapefruit. Place it on a cutting board.

Cut the grapefruit in half. Use a sharp knife to cut the grapefruit in half, from top to bottom.

Cut around the diameter of the grapefruit. Use a sharp knife, or even a grapefruit knife to cut throw the circular area between the grapefruit and the rind. While you cut the circular path, try to move the knife under the pieces, so you're slicing through the bottom of the grapefruit, too. This will help separate the grapefruit sections from its rind.

Cut through each segment of the grapefruit. Each segment of the grapefruit will have a roughly triangular shape. Use a thin knife, a spoon, or better yet, a grapefruit spoon, to cut around the area between each slice and its thin skin. Once you've separated each segment, you can either use a spoon to move each segment into a bowl, or just eat the grapefruit right out of each of its halves with a spoon. Sprinkle some sugar on top for added sweetness.

Slicing a Grapefruit

Turn the grapefruit on its side. The ends of the grapefruit with the small circles on them should be across from each other, on either side of the grapefruit. Make sure to place it on a cutting board.

Use a sharp knife to slice the grapefruit from top to bottom. Imagine that the "poles" of the grapefruit are on either side, like a globe turned on its side. Now, slice the grapefruit on its equator, creating lines that are parallel to the small circular "poles" on each end of the fruit. Cut each slice so its about 1/4 inch (.6 cm) When you're done, you should have about a dozen circular slices, depending on the size of the grapefruit.

Cut the slices (optional). If you'd like to cut the grapefruit further, you can cut each round slice into halves or fourths, like you were cutting off pieces of a pie. This method can be ideal for using the grapefruit in fruity drinks. You can also just cut one slice into the middle of the grapefruit and use it as a garnish on the side of a bowl of fruit salad or on a large pitcher of grapefruit juice. Or you can just rip the slice apart and eat it right from the slice without using a spoon or fork.

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