Use a name generator.
This is one of the best (and easiest) ways to find a gender-neutral name. Many name generators only have options for male and female names, but lots of other generators have options for "both" genders or any gender, such as these: Unisex Name Generator Gender Neutral Name Generator
Search though websites for nonbinary names.
There are several websites where you can find a nonbinary or gender-neutral name. Browse through baby name sites to find a name for your baby, yourself, or a story character. A few sites for this include: 75 Nonbinary Baby Names Random Enby Name Chaos
Avoid picking a name that's a passing trend.
Try not to pick a name that's currently trendy or one that you've seen a lot. It might be popular and stylish now, but it might not have the same shine in five years. Avoid misspelled names (such as Jakxsen), odd punctuation that serves no purpose (such as Niko'las), pop-culture references (such as Hermione), and word names with an unusual spelling twist. Try not to pick a name that's extremely common unless you really like it. Ultimately, what name you choose is your decision, so if you feel strongly positive toward a name, feel free to pick it. Just consider how that name will grow with you, your child, or your character throughout the years.
Find a name that pays tribute to your culture.
This idea is especially helpful if you're naming your baby. Pay a tribute to your family culture by picking a name that derives your roots. For example, if you are Japanese, you could give your baby a name like "Aki". As another example, if you're Black/African-American, you might choose the name "Jaylen". Know that you don't have to choose a name based on your culture. It's perfectly fine not to do this.
Think of a name that represents who you are.
This is the most important step in choosing a name for yourself. Pick a name that represents your personality and you as a whole. For instance, if you would describe yourself as kind, beautiful, and caring, you might choose the name Lillian. If you'd define yourself as a bit of a rebel and a little adventurous, you might decide on the name Harley.
Look up definitions of different names.
Almost every single name has a meaning behind it. Whether the name means something in a foreign language or is a common word, every name has a definition. Pick a word and find names that relate to the word (e.g, if you want a handsome name, search for "names that mean handsome," and you'll easily find a long list of names that are defined as handsome). Look up the meanings of names in a few different sources, in case the source you initially chose is unreliable. Triangulating your sources will mean you can be more confident that the name's meaning is widely-accepted.
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