How to Always Win Chopsticks
How to Always Win Chopsticks
Chopsticks is a 2 player traditional Japanese children's hand game. All you need to play this game is at least 2 people and some basic adding skills. You can always win at this game by learning just a few basic strategies. Winning all of the time, however, may be no fun for your opponent, so it's a good idea to let them win every once in a while.

Playing the Game

Learn the object of the game. Your goal is to be the last person with a hand remaining in the game. A player's hand is “dead” when all 5 of their fingers (chopsticks) have been extended.

Start with at least 2 players. 2 players are needed for this game, but you can have more players if you wish. More players, however, will require more complicated adding rather than if only 2 players were in the game. You can play with as many people as you'd like, but it is best not to go over 4 or 5 players.

Begin with 1 finger out on both hands. Each player begins with both hands extended and 1 finger out on each hand. 1 person starts by touching another player's hand. The player that has been touched adds up the number of fingers they were touched by and extends that number of fingers. If there are more than 2 players, the play would begin again by moving clockwise around the group.

Go over the basics of adding and splitting with each player. Adding and splitting is mostly what the entire game consists of, so it's important that each players understands the basic concept of how it's done. Basically, when someone touches your hand, you have to add 1 finger. If you're getting close to having a “dead” hand (5 finger up), then you can choose to touch your hands together to add a finger to a hand that has only 1 or 2 fingers up. For example, if you had 4 extended fingers on your left hand a 2 on your right, then you would split that and extend 3 fingers on each hand.

Choose to touch your own hands or someone else's hand. When it is your turn, if you have more than 1 finger extended on each hand, you can choose to touch someone else or touch your hands together. These are the only two moves you can make. You can't skip your turn. If you choose to touch your hands together, you will need to add together the number of fingers and then split them between your hands.

Winning a 2-Player Game

Tap the opponent's hand as infrequently as possible. For example, when your opponent starts the game and taps your hand, split to 3 on 1 hand and 0 on the other. At this point, your opponent has no choice but to tap your hand again. If they don't, they would eventually cause an instant win for you.

Win even if your opponent starts by splitting 2,0. Of course, there is always the person that thinks that they're tricky by starting out splitting to 2,0 as their first move. This situation, however, can be forced into a win as well. Once your opponent splits 2,0, tap their 2 hand. If you try to split 2,0 as well your opponent will just split back to 1,1 and it will go in a never-ending loop. From 3,0 your opponent has to split to 2,1, you then split to 2,0. Their only option is to hit you with their 2 hand to be 4,0. Now you split to 2,2. If your opponent taps one of your 2 hands with their 1, tap out their 2. Your opponent will then have no choice but to tap your 2. Then you will be left with 3,3. Split to 2,4, your opponent will tap out your 4, and then you split 1,1 and 1,1 against just one finger is an easy win.

Split your 3 hand 2,1. Once your opponent taps your 3 hand, you have two options to split 2,2 or 3,1. It is ideal to split 3,1 because the game will be won more rapidly. From 3,1, assume your opponent taps your 3 hand. You are left with 4,1. It is then ideal to split 3,2. If your opponent taps your 3 hand you tap one of their hands with your now 4 hand your opponent will tap your 4 hand and you will be left with 2,0. You split 1,1 and 1,1 against just one finger is an easy win.

Tap your opponent's 3 hand. If your opponent taps your 2 hand you will be left with 3,3. Next, tap either hand with a 3. Your opponent will be left with 4,1. If your opponent splits to 3,2, tap their 2 hand. From this point your opponent has to split their 3. You will then tap their 2, your opponent will tap one of your hands and then you will win.

Tap the player's 2 hand if your opponent splits 3,2. If your opponent splits to 3,2 it is ideal tap out their 2 hand. Then your opponent will have no choice but to split to 2,1. Then, tap out their 2 hand. Your opponent has no choice but to tap your 2 hand. Then, it is ideal to split to 4,2. Your opponent will then tap your 4 hand, you split 1,1 and 1,1 against just one finger is an easy win.

Tap the players 4 hand if you are left with a 2 hand. If your opponent taps your 2 hand, you tap their 4 hand and you are left with 3,0. Your opponent will have to tap you again, which will give you 4,0. Then, you win by tapping their hand.

Split 2,2 if your opponent taps your 2 hand. If your opponent taps your 2 hand, split to 2,2. Your opponent will then tap you leaving you with 3,2. Tap their hand with your 2. Your opponent will have no choice but to split to 1,2. From there tap out their 2 hand and your opponent will have to tap your two hand. Split to 4,2, your opponent will tap your 4 hand and you will be left with 2,0. From there you split 1,1 and 1,1 against just one finger is an easy win.

Split 3,1 if your opponent taps your 1 hand. If your opponent taps your 1 hand, split to 3,1. Your opponent will have to tap your 1 hand. From 3,2, tap their hand with your 2. Your opponent will have no choice but to split to 1,2. From there tap out their 2 hand and your opponent will have to tap your two hand. Split to 4,2, your opponent will tap your 4 hand and you will be left with 2,0. From there you split 1,1 and 1,1 against just one finger is an easy win.

Win from 1,1 against 1,0. This is one of the easiest wins in the game. Your opponent will tap one of your hands leaving you with 2,1. Split to 3,0, your opponent will be forced to tap your 3 leaving you with 4,0. Finally, you tap their hand to win the game.

Winning in Splits

Redistribute before you reach 5 fingers on one hand. Your hand is “dead” if you extend all 5 fingers. Make sure to touch your hands together to split your fingers before one of your hands “dies.” Continue doing this anytime you are close to a dead hand.

Revive a dead hand by splitting. If one of your hands does happen to “die” you can "revive" a dead hand by splitting. Take one of your turns to touch your hands together in order to get both hands back in the game.

Call out players that try to split uneven numbers. The players can only split a finger count in half. If they have 2,0, they can split it 1,1. If they have 3,1, they can split it 2,2. If they have 3,2, they can't split it because there's no way to split five fingers in half. Prevent other people from splitting by pointing this out. This will cause them to lose the game faster.

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