7 Ways to Clean Permanent Marker off Ceramic Tile
7 Ways to Clean Permanent Marker off Ceramic Tile
Whether you just dropped a Sharpie or noticed that someone drew a beautiful portrait on your floor, removing permanent marker from ceramic tile can be quick and easy. We’ve collected the best stain-fighting solutions that all use cleaning supplies you can find at home. Keep reading to learn how you can tackle permanent marker stains and make your floor blemish-free once again.
Things You Should Know
  • Place a few drops of rubbing alcohol on a cloth and wipe away the marker stain, then dip a clean cloth in warm water and dish soap and wipe away any residue.
  • Apply toothpaste and baking soda to the mark and wait until it dries. Use a damp sponge to wipe away the toothpaste and the stain.
  • Trace the area with a black dry-erase marker and wipe it away with a clean dry cloth. Dip a cloth in warm water and dish soap to remove any leftover marker.

Removing Permanent Marker Using Rubbing Alcohol

Place a few drops of rubbing alcohol on a cloth and wipe away the stain. Isopropyl alcohol, or rubbing alcohol, can break down the chemicals in permanent inks. Try to apply the rubbing alcohol only to the marker stain and wipe along the area. Reapply and repeat as necessary until the marker is completely gone. Read the label on the rubbing alcohol before using it and test it in a small hidden area before applying it to larger areas.

Wipe the floor with a cloth, warm water, and dish soap. Dip a clean cloth in a sudsy mixture of warm water and a drop of dish soap. Wipe away any excess marker or rubbing alcohol with the cloth. If any permanent marker remains on the tile, try one of the methods below.

Removing Permanent Marker Using Toothpaste

Apply regular white toothpaste and baking soda to the mark. In a small cup, mix 1 tablespoon (15 mL) of white toothpaste with 1 tablespoon (6 g) of baking soda and apply it to the top of the stain. Let the mixture set for at least 5 minutes or until it dries.

Use a damp sponge to wipe off the toothpaste. If your tile is textured, use a toothbrush or a scrubbing brush to remove traces of the stain from smaller crevices in the tiles. Once the stain is gone, remove any toothpaste residue with the sponge, dish soap, and warm water. If the permanent marker still stays on the tile, try one of the other methods.

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