Best Questions to Ask a Girl You Just Met
Ask friendly casual questions to get to know a girl better. It can be a little nerve-wracking to talk to someone you’ve just met. But if you have a few of these questions ready to go, you’ll always have something to talk about. “What do you love most about what you do?” “What cheers you up on a bad day?” “What is your favorite movie, and why do you love it?” “What would you do for a living if you didn’t have to worry about money?” “How would you describe your perfect day?” “What activities make you feel like time flies?” “If you could be famous for something, what would you want it to be?” “Do you have any big vacation plans?” “What’s the most exciting thing you’ve done lately?” “What do you love most about where you live?” “What inspires you when you’re having a rough day?” “What are you looking forward to most this week?” “What are you most grateful for this year?” “What’s the best part of your day? “What’s something people are really surprised to learn about you?” “What do you love most about your friends?” “What are you most proud of in your life?” “What’s something you wish people knew about you?”
Personal Questions to Ask a Girl You Just Met
Try a few personal questions to learn more about her. Get an idea of who they are by asking questions about their life, background, and family. Finding out basic details about them with the following questions can also help you ease into deeper discussions about things that really matter to both of you. “Who was your favorite teacher in school and why?” “Does getting older scare you?” “What’s your first memory?” “What activities make you feel most alive?” “What was the craziest thing that happened to you in school?” “Who was your best friend growing up? Are you still friends with them?” “Did you enjoy growing up in your hometown?” “What’s your family like?” “Did you have a pet growing up?” “What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?” “Do you believe in the supernatural? Why?” “Where was your favorite place to go on vacation when you were a child?” “What was your favorite thing to do growing up?” “What are you most passionate about?” “When to you feel most like your true self?” “Do you think it’s important to have a similar worldview to someone to be close to them?” “When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?” “What is your most treasured memory?”
Deep & Serious Questions to Ask a Girl You Just Met
Get her to open up with deep, serious questions. Talk about more meaningful subjects to make a deeper connection and build intimacy. If you’re worried about getting too serious or making them uncomfortable with these questions, make sure to tell them it’s okay not to answer. “What’s the biggest life lesson you’ve ever learned? “Do you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert?” “Is violence ever justified?” “What is the toughest thing you’ve ever had to deal with?” “Who do you feel closest to in your life? Why?” “How do you like to be supported when you’re going through something difficult? “What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?” “Do you have any passion projects that you’ve always wanted to pursue?” “Why do you think people fear death?” “What does it mean to be happy?” “How do you define success?” “How important is religion or spirituality to you?” “Do you believe in fate or free will?” “How important is it to you to have a family?” “Is there anything wrong with being selfish?” “What happens when we die?” “Can we choose our emotions or do they just happen?” “What would happen if we lived forever?”
Interesting Questions to Ask a Girl You Just Met
Pose a hypothetical to get her engaged in the conversation. Hypotheticals are a perfect way to start a new conversation or revive one that’s petering out. These “what if” questions are also a fun way to learn more about their personality. “What’s the best book you’ve ever read? Why?” “What’s your favorite way to spend your day off?” “When is the last time you cried?” “What do you think technology will be like in 100 years?” “What’s something no one else knows about you?” “What qualities do you think make someone a good person?” “What’s the last TV show you binge-watched, and was it worth it?” “How do you think your closest friends would describe you?” “When you picture your life in 5 years, what does it look like?” “If you could have any 5 people at a dinner party, who would they be and why?” “Who has inspired you the most?” “Do you care what other people think of you?” “Where is your happy place?” “What’s your go-to comfort watch movie or TV show?” “What are your favorite and least favorite things about yourself?” “What makes you feel the most insecure?” “What type of music are you into?” “Would you call yourself optimistic or pessimistic?”
Romantic Relationship Questions to Ask a Girl You Just Met
Learn more about what she wants in a relationship. Ask her about her relationship goals to decide if you’re looking for the same things. Exploring things like red flags, communication styles, and love languages with these questions can help you see if they’re a good match for you. “What do you think about the idea of soulmates?” “What boundaries are non-negotiable in your relationships?” “Do you prefer casual or fancy date nights?” “How do you handle arguments in relationships?” “Do you hope to get married someday?” “What do you think your love language is?” “When was the first time you fell in love?” “Do you prefer monogamy, or open relationships?” “What are the top 3 qualities you look for in a partner?” “Do you need to have emotional intimacy to enjoy physical intimacy?” “What’s the toughest break-up you’ve ever been through?” “What does romance mean to you?” “Do you think you have a specific ‘type,’ or are you attracted to lots of different types of people?” “What’s the biggest relationship challenge you’ve ever faced?” “How often do you prefer to be physically intimate when you’re in a relationship?” “Do you believe in love at first sight?” “If you had to describe the feeling of falling in love in 3 words, what would they be?” “What’s your communication style in a romantic relationship?”
Flirty Questions to Ask a Girl You Just Met
Show your interest with a flirty question. Don’t be afraid to ask them about their dating history, turn-ons, and more intimate preferences. Use these more direct questions to spice up the conversation and show them you’re interested. “What was your first impression of me when we met?” “What do you wear to sleep?” “If you could plan the perfect romantic date, what would it look like?” “Do you think you’re a good kisser?” “How do you know when you have a crush on someone?” “When was the first moment you realized there was chemistry between us?” “What song puts you in the mood?” “What’s your favorite type of kiss?” “Would you rather be the big spoon or little spoon?” “Have you ever gone skinny dipping?” “When do you feel most beautiful or attractive?” “What things about me do you find the most attractive?” “What’s your biggest guilty pleasure?” “If you were me for a day, what would you do?” “What physical qualities do you find most attractive in another person?” “Have you ever fantasized about me?” “Who’s your celebrity hall pass?” “What’s something you’ve always wanted to ask me?”
Funny Questions to Ask a Girl You Just Met
Make her laugh out loud with a silly question that breaks the tension. Sharing laughter is a great way to bond in a fun, lighthearted way. Try delivering one of these goofy questions with a wink and a smile—or a cute emoji for texts—to make them even funnier. “What’s your least favorite scent?” “If you could time travel, where would you go and why?” “What’s the most attractive animated character?” “What’s the longest you’ve gone without showering?” “Would you rather be bald or have no eyebrows?” “If you could choose any superpower, what would it be and why?” “What’s the best prank you’ve ever pulled?” “What’s your most useless skill?” “What’s the funniest thing you believed in as a child?” “What gives you the ick?” “What’s an embarrassing song or band you secretly love?” “What’s the last thing that made you laugh yourself to tears?” “If you could fight any historical figure, who would it be?” “What’s your biggest irrational fear?” “What’s one inanimate object you would delete from existence?” “What song makes you dance in your chair every time it comes on?” “When’s the most inappropriate time you've laughed at something? “What’s the creepiest thing you could say to a stranger when passing them on the street?”
Weird & Random Questions to Ask a Girl You Just Met
Ask an off-beath question to take her by surprise. Sometimes, a quirky question that comes out of nowhere can start the best conversation. These random questions are also perfect for changing the subject when you’re running out of things to say. “What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen a stranger do in public?” “What do you think cavepeople had nightmares about?” “Is a hot dog a sandwich?” “How could the Wicked Witch of the West bathe if she melts in the water?” “If animals could talk, which species would be the rudest?” “If you could live in a fictional world from a movie, TV show, or book, which one would you choose?” “Who’s the best movie villain?” “What mode of transportation do you hate the most?” “What are your top 3 favorite flavors of ice cream?” “What’s the first thing you would do in a zombie apocalypse?” “What’s the craziest bet you’ve ever made?” “If you could know the answer to one big mystery, what would it be?” “What’s the most creative insult you can think of?” “What’s the most unnecessary white lie you’ve ever told?” “Do you think fortune cookie predictions have a time limit?” “Would you rather have no eyebrows or no eyelashes?” “If you’re bald, what hair color gets listed on your driver’s license?” “If a word was misspelled in the dictionary, how would someone know?”
Text Questions to Ask a Girl You Just Met
Use emojis to make text questions more engaging. Text conversations can come across as a little flat, which can lead to misunderstandings. Make your tone perfectly clear by sprinkling in a few emojis—like in the questions below—to avoid causing offense. “What’s the most-used app on your phone?????????” “What's your favorite movie scene of all time?????????” “What’s the funniest text you’ve ever gotten?????” “Which meme best represents your life?????” “What’s the worst thing that someone could put in their dating app bio?????????” “How true do you think astrology is?♉️????????????” “What’s your favorite cheesy pickup line?????????” “What’s the best podcast you’ve ever listened to?????” “What would you do if I was there right now?????????” “How do you usually spend your weekends?????????????♀️????????????????♀️????” “Did you ever have an imaginary friend?????” “If you could switch lives with a celebrity, who would you choose?????????” “What would be the title of your memoir?????” “Are you scared of horror movies?????????????????????” “Do you think you’d get along with a clone of yourself?????” “What emoji reminds you of me?????????????” “What is your favorite word?????✍️” “What’s one thing everyone looks ridiculous doing?????”
Play 21 Questions with a Girl You Just Met
Ask her 21 questions that she has to answer honestly. 21 Questions is a super-easy game that’s fun and can help you learn more about each other. Think about what you want to know about them, and then jot down a list of 21 questions. Make sure you’re respectful and set some ground rules for what types of questions are off-limits. Then, take turns asking each other questions you have to ask honestly. Try a few of these to get you started. “What’s the most interesting thing you’ve seen or read this week?” “What’s your go-to coffee order?” “What’s the best meal you’ve ever had?” “Would you rather people think you're funny, kind, or smart?” “What would you do if you only had 24 hours to live?” “Is it worse to be hurt physically or emotionally?” “What is one thing you can't live without?” “What’s the funniest nickname you had as a kid?” “What’s something you wish would go out of style forever?” “What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?” “What pickup line do you think would work on me?” “Who was your first crush?” “Would you rather people think you're funny, kind, or smart?” “What’s the last thing you bought just for fun?” “What urban legend do you believe in?” “What’s your go-to karaoke song?” “Are you a morning person or a night owl?” “What’s something you believed as a kid that you were completely wrong about?” “What would you do if you were invisible for a day? “What’s the best concert you’ve ever been to?” “If you could change your name, what would you choose?”
How to Keep the Conversation Going
Pose questions that need more than 1 or 2 words to answer. Open-ended questions about her thoughts, feelings, and opinions are a great way to get her to give more meaningful answers and reveal more about who she is and what she values. Asking better questions helps you show you’re interested in her and what she has to say, which causes her to feel more comfortable opening up to you. They also reduce awkward silences and make people like you more, which helps keep the conversation going. Once she answers your questions, ask her follow-up questions to learn more about her and keep her talking. For example: “How did you feel about that?” “What did you do next?” “What do you mean by that?” “Why do you think that?”
Listen attentively to the other person’s answers. Jean says that one of the best ways to keep a conversation going with a girl is to pay attention to what she’s saying. Always practice active listening, which is really paying attention to what the other person is saying so you can understand what they’re feeling. It allows you to better relate to them. This type of listening helps to show respect and build trust, which are both important for building a connection with someone. Be present in the conversation to be an active listener. That means giving the other person your full attention. Don’t check your phone, and don’t try to think of what you want to say next. Maintain natural eye contact with the other person to show they have your attention. You don’t have to stare intently; just stay focused on them. Use friendly, open body language. Subtly lean toward the other person and mirror their body language. An example of mirroring might be taking a sip of water or shifting your weight just after they do.
Offer her genuine compliments that focus on what she does. Miller cautions against always focusing on looks. “[A compliment] should be, ‘Hey…I really liked your passion when you are working,’ or something that you have noticed that can really speak to that person so they feel seen.” Tell her what you like about her personality or admire about her accomplishments. Actively listen to what she’s saying to learn what she values in herself and other people. This tells you what types of compliments are more meaningful to her. Always be sincere and honest when you’re paying a compliment. Authentic compliments just seem to land better than empty flattery. Try to avoid focusing on her appearance or paying overly sexual compliments that might make you seem creepy or rude. If you do compliment her appearance, stick with something like, “I really like that dress. The color looks nice on you.” This focuses on her sense of style rather than her face or body.
Share your perspective and answer questions honestly. Miller says, “People like you for who you are. I think it's very rare for people to like somebody who's not authentic and not real. So that old cliche of “be yourself”...it's a cliche for a reason.” Always give your genuine opinion or an authentic answer to any question she poses. You don’t have to be perfectly serious with every single answer. But if you answer with a joke, make sure it’s clear you’re just kidding. The goal of these early conversations is to try to find common ground with her to make a connection and see if you’d be a good match. Jean says, “People are typically more willing to open up to someone if they feel as if they share common passions, viewpoints, and other views.” Miller adds, “You don't want to present a false sense of yourself because you want people to like you for the real you.”
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