Fun Would You Rather Questions for Middle School
Get everyone having a good time with these friendly icebreakers. Would You Rather can be a great way to integrate what you’re learning in school into a fun game—but it can also just be the perfect way to get to know your students or fellow classmates better while having a total blast! Try these fun icebreakers: Would you rather go on an adventure to outer space or explore the depths of the ocean? Would you rather always have clean clothes or never have to brush your teeth? Would you rather be able to swim with dolphins or ride a horse? Would you rather live on the moon or at the bottom of the ocean? Would you rather have a pet that can talk or fly? Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? Would you rather have the power to teleport or talk to animals? Would you rather have pizza for every meal or ice cream for every dessert? Would you rather be able to shrink to the size of a mouse or be able to jump really high? Would you rather have a room full of candy or a room full of toys? Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or fly through the clouds? Would you rather have super speed or super strength? Would you rather spend a day at the beach or a day at the zoo? Would you rather have the power to teleport or talk to animals? Would you rather be able to swim with dolphins or ride a horse? Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? Would you rather have a day where everything is upside down or a day where everyone talks backwards? Would you rather have pizza for every meal or ice cream for every dessert? Would you rather have everything you touch turn into candy or turn into a toy? Would you rather have a robot best friend or a talking animal best friend? Would you rather have a magic paintbrush that brings your drawings to life or a magic hat that makes any animal appear? Would you rather be able to understand all languages or be able to sing like a bird? Would you rather live in a giant treehouse or a giant castle? Would you rather spend a day without technology or a week without dessert? Would you rather be able to control the weather or talk to plants? Would you rather be the fastest runner in your class or the smartest person in your class? Would you rather be able to fly on a giant butterfly or swim on a giant fish? Would you rather have a jetpack or a time machine? Would you rather have the power to make everyone laugh or the power to make everyone your friend? Would you rather have the ability to talk to plants or the ability to talk to the moon? Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or be able to fly through space? Would you rather have a pet that looks like you or a pet with wings? Would you rather spend a day at a giant amusement park or a giant museum filled with dinosaurs? Would you rather have a pet that can paint beautiful pictures or a pet that can play any instrument? Would you rather be able to make people laugh or make people invisible? Would you rather have a never-ending supply of juice or a never-ending supply of cookies? Would you rather have a library with every book ever written or a giant candy store with every candy imaginable? Would you rather have the ability to freeze time for one minute or have the ability to teleport to your favorite place? Would you rather have a superhero cape that lets you fly or a magic hat that lets you pull out any toy you want? Would you rather have a pet dinosaur or a pet dragon? Would you rather have a best friend who lives next door or a best friend who can teleport to your house anytime? Would you rather go on a magical adventure in a forest or a magical adventure under the sea? Would you rather have a superpower that makes you super strong or a superpower that makes you super fast? Would you rather be able to understand what animals are saying or be able to talk to plants and learn their secrets? Would you rather build a giant fort out of pillows or build a giant sandcastle at the beach? Would you rather have a robot teacher who can teach you anything or a super fun playground that never gets crowded? Would you rather be able to travel to the moon or travel to the bottom of the ocean?
Thought-Provoking Would You Rather Questions for Middle School
Try these thoughtful icebreaker questions to make people think. Get everyone thinking with these harder-to-answer questions! These provocative Would You Rather questions will likely require a minute to think before answering: Would you rather always know the truth but never be believed, or always be believed but never know the truth? Would you rather be the funniest person in the room or the most intelligent? Would you rather have the ability to erase one regret from your past or be able to see ten minutes into your future? Would you rather have the ability to solve any mystery instantly or win the lottery? Would you rather travel back in time to witness a historical event or travel to the future to see a technological advancement? Would you rather live in a world where everyone’s emotions are visible or where everyone’s thoughts are audible? Would you rather be able to talk to animals or speak every human language? Would you rather have the ability to teleport anywhere in the world or be able to breathe underwater? Would you rather be famous for something great but not recognized or infamous for something terrible but remembered forever? Would you rather have the power to heal any illness or injury or have the power to bring someone back from the dead? Would you rather have the power to control fire or control water? Would you rather live in a world without books or without movies? Would you rather have the ability to change your appearance at will or be able to read minds? Would you rather live without the internet or without air conditioning and heating? Would you rather have the power to bring peace to the world or have unlimited wealth? Would you rather have the ability to speak with the dead or see into parallel universes? Would you rather have the power to stop time or travel through it? Would you rather be able to control the weather or control people’s emotions? Would you rather live in a world where everyone’s dreams are shared or where everyone’s fears are visible? Would you rather have the power to never feel physical pain or never feel emotional pain? Would you rather live in a world where everyone’s age is visible or where everyone’s wealth is visible? Would you rather have the ability to communicate with plants or with machines? Would you rather live in a world without war or a world without hunger? Would you rather live in a world without laws or a world without consequences? Would you rather have the ability to detect lies or to never be able to lie? Would you rather live in a world without pain or without pleasure? Would you rather create a sustainable city of the future or design a plan to explore a new continent? Would you rather have the power to control the outcome of all your decisions or the decisions of others? Would you rather have the power to change the past or see into the future? Would you rather be able to read minds or become invisible at will? Would you rather have the ability to control the weather or be able to communicate with animals? Would you rather have the ability to speak all languages fluently or be a master of all musical instruments? Would you rather have an unlimited supply of books or an unlimited supply of music? Would you rather have the ability to speak to extraterrestrial life or to travel to other planets? Would you rather have the power to bring happiness to others or to bring justice to the world? Would you rather be a skilled diplomat who can resolve international conflicts or a powerful leader who inspires social change?
Random Would You Rather Questions for Middle School
Shake things up with some unexpected questions. One of the best parts of Would You Rather is surprising everyone with a weird or crazy question they just didn’t see coming! Take the other players by surprise with these unexpected (and tough to answer) questions: Would you rather be a master chef who can cook anything or a world-famous musician? Would you rather be fluent in all languages or be a master of every musical instrument? Would you rather be the star athlete on your favorite sports team or the lead actor in a major movie? Would you rather be able to fly or teleport anywhere instantly? Would you rather have the power to heal any injury or the power to control the elements? Would you rather live in a world with advanced technology but limited freedom or a world with greater freedom but limited technology? Would you rather have the ability to turn invisible or be able to read people’s minds? Would you rather have the ability to fly or be able to breathe underwater? Would you rather be the smartest person in your school or the most popular? Would you rather have the power to teleport anywhere in the world or communicate telepathically with anyone? Would you rather have x-ray vision or the ability to become invisible? Would you rather have the ability to control minds or control technology? Would you rather have the power to control your dreams or control your nightmares? Would you rather have the ability to see into the past or into the future? Would you rather have the power to bring joy to others or have the power to remove suffering from the world? Would you rather be able to solve any math problem instantly or have a calculator that explains every step? Would you rather be able to teleport anywhere instantly or have the ability to time travel? Would you rather have the power to read minds or see into the future? Would you rather have the ability to control the weather or predict the future? Would you rather be the best artist in the world or the best writer in the world? Would you rather be the captain of a spaceship exploring the galaxy or the leader of a colony on a new planet? Would you rather have the power to control time for a short period or be able to travel to any point in history for a day? Would you rather be stranded on a deserted island with unlimited resources or live in a #*Would you rather solve a real-life crime or win a reality TV show competition? Would you rather have the ability to control your dreams or be able to learn a new skill instantly? Would you rather have a pet dragon that you can train or a robot best friend who can help you with everything? Would you rather be a superhero with incredible strength or a super-genius with unmatched intelligence? Would you rather live in a world without internet or without television? Would you rather be able to talk to animals or speak all human languages? Would you rather have the power to control fire or control water? Would you rather have the power to heal any disease or the power to end world hunger? Would you rather be able to speak to any historical figure or travel back in time to witness a historical event in person? Would you rather live in a world without music or a world without books? Would you rather be able to talk to plants or control plant growth with your mind? Would you rather have unlimited free time or unlimited money? Would you rather live in a world where everyone can teleport or where everyone can read minds? Would you rather live in a house shaped like a circle or a house shaped like a triangle? Would you rather have the ability to fly or have super strength? Would you rather have the ability to transform into any animal or have the ability to shapeshift into any object? Would you rather live in a world where everyone wears the same clothes or where everyone looks exactly the same? Would you rather have the ability to become invisible or be able to walk through walls? Would you rather be able to control the weather or have the power to heal any illness or injury? Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or fly through the air? Would you rather be famous for something good or infamous for something bad? Would you rather have the power to stop time or rewind time?
Why Play Would You Rather with Students?
It helps players get to know one another. Playing Would You Rather can be fun—but it can also help you understand how someone else ticks. Asking questions related to someone’s values or perceptions of life can give you insight into their motives and the way they interact with the world.
It encourages debate and discussion. Would You Rather is a fun and generally harmless way to spark friendly debates—perfect for young minds who are learning how to voice and defend their opinions respectfully, clearly, and patiently. And since not everyone is sure to agree on every question, the discussions that follow a surprising answer are sure to be enlightening for every player!
It allows students to practice critical thinking and problem-solving. Some questions are tough to answer! This means that students may have to weigh the pros and cons of a particular choice and consider why it may or may not be the best option.
Teachers can integrate the game with subject matter. Would You Rather is versatile enough to be tailored to Language Arts, Science, History, or almost any other subject. If you’re a teacher who’d like to make learning a little more fun, give your students a treat by having them play Would You Rather in class one day—but make sure it relates to the subject at hand: For instance, if the class is Language Arts, consider asking students Would You Rather questions inspired by a book they’re reading, like this one inspired by Louis Sachar’s novel Holes: “Would you rather have the nickname Barfbag or Armpit?” A History-related Would You Rather question might be, “Would you rather have fought in the American Civil War or the Revolutionary War?” If you’re a Biology teacher, you might ask students, “Would you rather be a tree frog or a kangaroo?”
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