Funny Insult Names for Friends
Tease your friends with an insult that makes them laugh. You’ve probably heard you shouldn’t tease people, but a well-timed roast can be the perfect way to demonstrate and strengthen the bonds of friendship. When you insult a friend, it often means you accept them for who they are. Try one of these hilariously insulting nicknames to show your friends you really care. Dullard Goober Pillock Chucklehead Pettifogger Buffoon Naked mole rat Knotty-pated fool Mayor of Stupidtown Muttonhead Jabroni Toxic waste dump Dr. Dementor Pusillanimous pea brain Champion of Poor Choices Duke of Dork
Funny Insult Names for a Boyfriend
Give him an affectionately insulting pet name to make him smile. Using a pet name for your boyfriend is a sign of a strong relationship. But depending on his sense of humor, sometimes the best way to say “I love you” is through a ridiculously over-the-top insult. Drop one of these insulting—but endearing—pet names when you want to say “I adore you” in the funniest way possible. Just remember to use it with a wink and a smile so he knows you aren’t serious. Cow-handed oaf Señor Saltimbanco Hollowheaded screwball Sir Snores-a-Lot Mr. Ninnyhammer Captain Cringe Lily-livered boy Doofus McGoofus Fragrant man swine Snack vacuum Fart factory Hobbledehoy Scallywag Scruffy McScrufferson Dingus Khan Sodden-witted lord
Funny Insult Names for a Girlfriend
Tickle her funny bone with a hilarious insulting nickname. For some guys, the best way to shower their girlfriend with love is with a questionable term of endearment. When you’ve reached the point in your relationship where a savage roast is the same as a loving caress, nothing says “you’re my favorite person” like a perfectly crafted insulting pet name. Here are some rib-tickling insults that will have her rolling her eyes with an affectionate smile. Moody Judy Drama magnet Relentless harpy Ms. Smellfungus Duchess of Derp Princess Peculiar Snollygoster Gossip goblin Disaster panda Grizzly madam Debbie Downer Rumbumptious sauce-box Harridan Stench wench Lady Mooncalf Fart blossom
Funny Insult Names for a Sibling
Take your sibling down a peg with an affectionate, insulting name. Let’s face it…a sibling is a permanent pest who’s also a built-in best friend for life. After spending years perfecting the art of getting under each other’s skins, the most loving thing you can do is one-up each other with funnier and funnier insulting names. Here’s a list of creatively disrespectful names that say, “I love you, but you’re the worst,” in the best way possible. Dingleberry Butt trumpet Egg-hatched snaggletooth Toe goblin Pestiferous poltroon Snot rocket Infernal skunk Captain Awkward Sergeant Simpleton Derp lord Trash panda Blundering dunderhead Dork nugget Spawn of Mom Family tree barnacle Parental guinea pig
Funny Insult Names for Best Friends
Whip out your best insults for your bestest of friends. When you have the kind of friendship where nothing is off-limits, a gloriously immature nickname is like a verbal bro hug—no matter what your gender. Try out one of these hilariously profane nicknames that combine middle school sophistication with the warmth of true friendship. The trick is to deliver these insults with love. Tone-deaf sphincter clown Pie-eating shart dragon Turd burglar Bull’s pizzle Butt munch Slimy turd waffle Smelly boner balloon Fatuous fart sniffer Duke of Deez Nutsye Fart noodle Creepy butt pilot Monkey’s craphole Sultan of Schwing Emasculated mass of inanity Smelly nut maggot
Funny Insulting Names from Pop Culture
Use a funny, insulting name from TV or a movie. Some of the most creative and funny insulting names come from your favorite movies or TV shows…and even Shakespeare himself. These types of insults are especially effective if you’re both fans because you can laugh together, which makes you like each other even more. Try one of these famous—or infamous—insults from pop culture on someone you love. Nimrod – Bugs Bunny, Looney Tunes Stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf herder – The Empire Strikes Back Fart knocker – Stand By Me Warthog-faced buffoon – The Princess Bride Son of a motherless goat – Three Amigos Cotton-headed ninny muggins – Elf Churlish piece of fish meat – Key & Peele Panini-head – Kitchen Nightmares Bag of worms – Veep Captain Cardboard – Buffy the Vampire Slayer Demon monkey – Game of Thrones Hooplehead – Deadwood Bumbling, fumbling, nincompoop– Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Embossed carbuncle in my corrupted blood – King Lear Elvish-mark’d, abortive, rooting hog – Richard III Cankerblossom – A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Funny Insult Names from Other Languages
Look outside the English language for a hilarious, insulting name. Expand your repertoire of insulting names by borrowing from other languages. Add some sophistication with a French insult or hit them with the power of a German jibe. No matter how you want your insult to land, one of these colorful, insulting nicknames will surely give them a laugh. Flødebolle (Danish) – Cream bun Dim Sum (Cantonese) – Used to call someone “empty-headed” Babaco (Spanish) – Drooling fool Ullu ka patha (Hindi) – Son of an owl Toru (Telugu) – Empty coconut Tête de noeud (French) – Knot head Kekasih Bantal (Malay) – Pillow lover (lazy person) Kepiting (Indonesian) - Confused crab Mangu-mangu (Quechua) – Confused potato Yōgisha (Japanese) – Goat person Kalabaza (Tagalog) – Squash head Backpfeifengesicht (German) – A face in need of a slap Ngáo ngơ (Vietnamese) – Confused toad Qǐng niú (Chinese) – Silly ox Gaekkugi (Korean) – Baby cockroach Kepiting (Indonesian) – Confused crab
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