The Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) has issued exam day guidelines for the MPSC Engineering Services Mains examination. Candidates who have successfully cleared the preliminary exams are required to adhere to these guidelines. The MPSC Engineering Services Mains exam is being held today, January 28, 2024, under the administration of the Maharashtra Public Service Commission.
A candidate’s eligibility for a cadre or job is contingent upon both their physical fitness and educational qualifications. It is crucial to note that candidates failing to meet the specified eligibility criteria will not be considered for the respective positions.
MPSC Engineering Services Recruitment Main 2023: Exam Guidelines
The notification issued by the Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) outlines several guidelines that candidates are required to follow during the Main recruitment exam 2024. All candidates must visit the Maharashtra Public Service Commission’s online application system website at mpsc.gov.in to download and print the original admission certificate.
Examinees should reach the allotted examination centre one and a half hours before the commencement of the test. Candidates must carry at least one original government-approved identity card, such as an Aadhaar card, PAN card, voter ID, driving licence, or passport, with a photograph of the candidate and a printout of the identity card.
No applicant will be permitted to carry mobile phones or other telecommunication devices inside the examination hall. Unauthorised visitors, including friends, family, relatives, and guardians, are strictly prohibited from entering the examination hall.
The Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) has cautioned that applicants who would be found to have consumed alcohol or narcotic substances during the exam would face legal punishment. Such applicants will be barred from appearing in all examinations conducted by the commission, at its discretion.
Following the verification, candidates shall move to their allotted seats. Action will be taken against candidates who are found to be sitting on a different seat number than the one given to them.
The Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) will not make any arrangements for applicants to park their vehicles at the examination centre.
All candidates should carefully read and follow the instructions provided in the question booklet, answer sheet, as well as the admit card.
Details such as the exam name, meeting number, set number, subject code, and so on should be accurately written on the answer sheet. No additional time is allowed for marking answered questions after the designated examination period.
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