Manufacturing Appraisals Take A Hit: Check Key Trends For FY 23-24
Manufacturing Appraisals Take A Hit: Check Key Trends For FY 23-24
Appraisal increases vary significantly across regions.

In the bustling world of manufacturing, employee appraisals are often seen as a critical yet challenging aspect of management. As per a survey conducted by HR consultancy, Ishwa Consulting, it was revealed that the manufacturing sector in India has shown a significant drop in appraisals, averaging around 10.1% in 2024. This is a drop from last year’s average of 11.5%.

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The sample size for the survey conducted was 100 (company CEOs & CHROs).

Overview of Appraisal Trends in Manufacturing

Senior vs. Middle Management Level Appraisals

Core Engineering Roles vs. Business Roles

  • Engineering Roles: Core engineering roles have seen an average appraisal increase of 9%, down from 11% last year.
  • Business Roles: Business roles, including those in management, sales, and HR, have witnessed an average appraisal increase of 7%, compared to 8.5% last year.

Other Key Comparisons

  • Regional Variations: Appraisal increases vary significantly across regions. Manufacturing hubs in Western and Southern India have reported higher average increases (up to 12%) compared to Northern and Eastern regions (around 7%).
  • Sector Sub-divisions: Within manufacturing, sectors such as automotive have shown higher appraisal trends, averaging 11%

Specialised skills

The rise in automation and smart manufacturing technologies is driving higher appraisals for roles requiring advanced technical skills. This trend is expected to continue as companies invest more in Industry 4.0 technologies.

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