International Women's Day: Power Of HERspective, 6 Leaders Share Impact Of Women In Business
International Women's Day: Power Of HERspective, 6 Leaders Share Impact Of Women In Business
Women leaders bring unique perspectives and approaches to problem-solving, fostering innovation and adaptability, crucial for business growth in dynamic market.

India’s business landscape is witnessing a positive shift with the increasing presence of women in leadership roles. While challenges remain, research suggests that female leadership can bring significant benefits to businesses. Industry experts believe that by fostering an inclusive environment and dismantling existing barriers, India can unlock the full potential of its female leaders and create a more vibrant and successful business landscape.

Women leaders bring unique perspectives and approaches to problem-solving, fostering innovation and adaptability, crucial for business growth in today’s dynamic market.

With a growing female consumer base, businesses led by women may have a deeper understanding of their needs and preferences, allowing them to tap into this valuable market segment more effectively.

As International Women’s Day is approaching, six entrepreneurs present their views and share ideas for an inclusive and female-led impact of businesses.

Mugdha Pradhan, founder & CEO, iThrive

“I’ve built a business focused on nurturing, empowerment, and purposeful alignment. Unlike the high-pressure, hustle-driven environments often found in male-led companies, we prioritise holistic well-being for both ourselves and our team. Instead of chasing growth at any cost, we value sustainability and prioritise mental, emotional, and physical health.

As a woman-led enterprise, we bring a unique perspective that values purpose-driven work and embraces a more harmonious, creative approach to growth. By staying true to our feminine essence and rejecting outdated norms, we’re reshaping the business landscape. Our model prioritises balance, purpose, and well-being, driven by the energy of love and care.”

Richa Bhanot, Director, Wellessentials

“As Women’s Day approaches, it’s crucial to acknowledge the significant role female leaders play in driving business growth and innovation. Studies consistently show that companies with diverse leadership, including strong female representation, outperform others financially and operationally.

Female leaders bring unique perspectives and skills, fostering collaboration, empathy, and resilience within their organisations. Their ability to navigate challenges and make strategic decisions propels businesses forward in today’s competitive landscape.

Moreover, female leaders champion diversity and inclusion, creating environments where all employees feel valued and empowered. By prioritising diversity, businesses can tap into a broader talent pool and drive innovation.

This Women’s Day, let’s celebrate the achievements of female leaders and recognise their impact on business growth and societal progress. Their leadership not only drives economic success but also fosters a more inclusive and equitable future for all.”

Yashna Garg, CMO, Zeon Lifesciences

“As a young woman working in a traditionally male-dominated industry like nutraceuticals, I’ve personally experienced the challenges and triumphs of navigating leadership roles. Today, on International Women’s Day, I want to celebrate the growing impact of female leaders on business growth.

Research by McKinsey Global Institute shows that companies with diverse leadership teams outperform their less diverse counterparts financially. This isn’t just about ticking boxes – it’s about harnessing the unique perspectives and strengths women bring to the table. In my journey, I’ve seen the power of embracing my unique skills and fostering collaboration.

Building a diverse and inclusive team has allowed us to tap into a wider range of ideas and perspectives, leading to innovative solutions and sustainable growth for Zeon.

The future of business belongs to inclusive leadership, where women are not just at the table, but leading the conversation. We must continue to empower and support each other as we redefine what it means to be successful and pave the way for a brighter future for generations to come.”

Nikita Luther, brand ambassador, Natural8 India

“Through my journey in the world of poker and leadership, I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of female leadership on business growth. In the high-stakes are a of poker, where strategic thinking and calculated risk-taking are paramount, being a woman has accentuated my ability to lead effectively.

All the experiences that shape a woman, and the unique perspectives that she is able to decipher the world with, have proven invaluable in driving success. If anything, it has provided a unique perspective and approach that has proven invaluable in driving success. Whether it’s captaining a team to victory or mentoring aspiring players, I’ve seen how diversity in leadership fosters innovation, collaboration, and ultimately, growth.

My experiences underscore the importance of empowering women in leadership roles across all industries. When women are allowed to lead, businesses thrive, and barriers to success are shattered. In India, young women are breaking barriers and reshaping perceptions by venturing into gaming, a space traditionally dominated by men. As they chase their dreams in this exciting field, they bring with them a fresh perspective and a passion for gaming that knows no gender boundaries.”

Shweta Baisla, CFO & wholetime director of Sona Machinery

“From my vantage point as a CFO and Wholetime Director, I’ve observed the tangible impact of female leadership on business growth. Women bring a unique set of skills and perspectives to the table, which are instrumental in driving innovation, fostering collaboration, and ultimately, enhancing the bottom line. In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, diversity in leadership isn’t just a nice to have, it’s a strategic imperative.

Organisations that prioritise gender diversity at the top not only benefit from a broader talent pool but also experience improved decision-making and enhanced resilience in the face of challenges. As we continue to examine the role of female leadership in business growth, it becomes increasingly clear that empowering women in leadership positions isn’t just the right thing to do—it’s also the smart thing to do.”

Meenakshi Dawar, founder and CEO, Gracias Living

“As the founder and CEO of Gracias Living, I’ve seen firsthand the profound impact that female leadership can have on business growth. While Gracias Living is just beginning its journey, we are committed to creating an environment where women leaders can flourish.

Female leaders bring a unique perspective that not only drives innovation and creativity but their empathetic communication style cultivates a sense of belonging among other employees, resulting in improved engagement and performance. Essentially, their skills and insights contribute positively to the company’s bottom line. As per McKinsey, companies led by women often excel financially, showcasing their strategic prowess.

Despite the progress made, gender biases still present challenges for women in leadership roles. At Gracias Living, we are dedicated to dismantling these barriers. By diversity and inclusion and providing support and opportunities to them, we can harness their unique skills and perspectives to fuel innovation, bolster employee engagement, and achieve enduring success.”

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