Amol Palekar Recalls How He Lost Out On The 1972 Film Piya Ka Ghar
Amol Palekar Recalls How He Lost Out On The 1972 Film Piya Ka Ghar
The film’s director Basu Chatterjee replaced him, citing Amol's "arrogant" behaviour as the reason.

Veteran actor Amol Palekar is known for his roles in classic Indian films such as Chhoti Si Baat, Rajnigandha and Chitchor. In a recent interview, he revealed that he was offered the lead role in Basu Chatterjee’s 1972 movie Piya Ka Ghar, starring alongside Jaya Bachchan. According to Amol Palekar, Basu Chatterjee initially approached him for the role and he accepted it. Later, the filmmaker replaced him citing the actor’s “arrogant” behaviour as the reason.

Amol Palekar recollected that during the casting process for the film Piya Ka Ghar, Basu Chatterjee suggested he meet with Tarachand Barjatya, the producer of the film who belonged to the Rajshri production house. Amol Palekar refused to meet him, stating that if Basu Chatterjee had already selected him for the role, he should introduce him to the producer in a respectful and appropriate manner. Amol Palekar believed that this was necessary as it would show that the director had faith in him and his abilities as an actor.

Amol Palekar stated that he refused to meet Tarachand Barjatya as he did not want to stand in a queue and wait to be introduced, considering that he had already been selected for the role. The actor stated that he was not willing to compromise on his self-respect and believed that if the director had confidence in him, then he should introduce him to the producer with respect. Basu Chatterjee found Amol Palekar’s behaviour arrogant and ultimately decided to replace him with Anil Dhawan in the film.

This did not affect Amol Palekar and Basu Chatterjee’s relationship in the long term. The filmmaker went on to offer Amol Palekar the lead roles in his films like Rajnigandha, Chhoti Si Baat and Chitchor. All these films turned out to be successful at the box office. Notably, Chitchor was produced by Rajshri Productions, the same production house that Amol Palekar had refused to meet earlier.

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