This Beautiful Sea Creature Digests Its Food Outside The Body
This Beautiful Sea Creature Digests Its Food Outside The Body
Starfish has more than 2,000 types of species and is available in a variety of colours, sizes, and styles.

Earth consists of a plethora of flora and fauna that makes this planet an interesting and beautiful place to live. There are so many fascinating species around the world that are quite unique. It becomes quite difficult to gather all the information about these species. Nowadays, the power of technology has made it easier to grab every inch of information about anything and everything that a human mind can think of. One such unique type of species is that of the starfish that is found in water bodies. They are not only beautiful in their appearance, but they have some amazing abilities as well. It has been found that it also has a surprising way of moving.

Starfish are some of the most beautiful-looking sea creatures. They are among the species whose body parts may be regenerated after separation. It has more than 2,000 types of species and is available in a variety of colours, sizes, and styles. It is also known as the sea star. In general, their size ranges from 10 to 30 cm. It has been found that these starfish do not have a brain but have a very strong nervous system.

Another ability that they possess is that if their arms become detached from their bodies, they can repair them on their own. After a bodily part is separated, they recover on their own. Furthermore, they do not contain any blood. Instead of blood, just sea water passes through their body.

As the skin of the starfish is made up of calcium carbonate, it gives them a strong structure that protects their bodies. Many starfish have sharp, thorn-like growths on their skin, making it hard for predatory animals to consume them. Apart from that, starfish appear to have no eyes. They see through their limbs.

Starfish have a surprising way of eating their food. They eat and digest food outside of their body. Their stomach is towards the bottom of their body, and the stomach emerges out of the mouth to collect the food. It gets digested outside the body and then goes back inside the mouth to the stomach.

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