Know Why China's Gen Z Employees Wear Pajamas To Work
Know Why China's Gen Z Employees Wear Pajamas To Work
Several employees have been posing pictures of them wearing pyjama pants, slippers, and sleeping socks, along with the explanation of the ‘work look.’

Have you ever opted for casual attire when going to the office? Most of us would say ‘No’ to this. Corporate Dressing or attire is something every individual wears when going to office, on business trips or for client meetings. But, this seems to be different for Chinese nationals. As per the New York Times report, China’s Generation Z (Gen Z) is opting for comfort over couture. Wearing pajamas to work is now a fashion statement among young professionals across the country. Ditching formal outfits, sweatpants, sleepwear, and other comfortable clothing that make them appear is fast catching up the trend there. Several employees have been posing pictures of them wearing pyjama pants, slippers, and sleeping socks, along with the explanation of the ‘work look.’

What Is Gross Outfit At Work?

The inclination of gross outfits at work has gained popularity on Xiaohongshu, China’s social media platform akin to Instagram. Here, young workers showcase their disdain for traditional dress norms, embracing everything from sweatpants to sleepwear. A 30-year-old interior designer from Wuhan, Hubei province epitomizes this trend, proudly flaunting her “gross” pajamas in the workplace. “I just want to wear whatever I want,” Luo told The New York Times.

Reason For Opting Casual Wear

The rise of pajama style reflects the growing ‘lying flat’ movement among China’s youth, who reject the relentless pursuit of success championed by previous generations. This countercultural shift symbolises a desire for a more relaxed, uncomplicated lifestyle. Psychologists in Beijing reportedly see this trend as emblematic of societal progress, asserting that clothing choices should not define one’s professional competence.

Who Started This Trend?

The trend started when an employee named Kendou S, posted a video of herself on Douyin, sporting a brown, burlap-like sweater over plaid pyjama pants with a quilted jacket, and fluffy slippers. She claimed on camera that her boss repeatedly labelled her getups ‘gross’ and said that they needed to better reflect the ‘image of the company.’

American Gen Zes Too Follow This Trend

During COVID-19 pandemic, which forced people to work remotely, pushed the normalisation of loungewear as acceptable attire. American Gen Zes too ditched their formal office attire and embraced comfy wears.

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