'Didn't Want My Parents To See': This Post Featuring 'Garbage' Tattoos Is Hilarious
'Didn't Want My Parents To See': This Post Featuring 'Garbage' Tattoos Is Hilarious
Many "less appealing" tattoos were crafted by emerging tattoo artists or had gradually faded with time.

When it comes to tattoos, people put much time, thought and effort into getting them. As they are a permanent addition to one’s body, people rarely risk it. Now a Reddit thread is going viral that shows people sharing photos of their “garbage tattoos”. These ugly-looking tattoos come with a sentimental backstory. Some were made by emerging tattoo artists on themselves or their friends. Some tattoos replicated a bad childhood drawing or traced the drawings made by family members. Many simply faded badly.

The Reddit thread that prompted people to share their “garbage tattoos” has over 3,000 upvotes and over 600 responses. One of the most liked ugly tattoos on this post was about a “reverse mermaid” that showed a figure with a fish head and the lower half of a human body. Another person shared a similar photo of a “reverse mermaid” and wrote, “Oh my gosh I also have a reverse mermaid. her name is Gabriel and she my beautiful son.”

Posts from the shittytattoos community on Reddit

Someone shared a photo of a badly faded tattoo and wrote, “Done by an apprentice about 10 years ago. It’s fallen out BADLY (my body hates green ink) but I love it. He’s an AMAZING tattooer now. Still proud to have one of his first pieces. Pretty cool to see how far he’s come.”

A person shared a photo of the small poke tattoo on their ankle and wrote, “The first one I ever gave myself as a teen. I did it on foot because I didn’t want my parents to find out lol.”

A Reddit user shared a tattoo that looked like it was a patch of blotchy ink blot and explained, “A friend had been doing his own tats but hadn’t done one on someone else so I let him do this since it was already sort of scribbled and so left room for error, I think he did well enough but its definitely a bit….grungy lol.”

Someone shared a photo of a tattoo that said “MISSING” and wrote, “When I was younger I thought it would be funny that if I ever went missing my mom would have to tell authorities that I have a tattoo that said missing. I never went missing and I want this thing off me now.” One person shared a photo of irregularly made hearts and wrote, “Each heart was drawn by my grandparents. My grandad passed last summer so it’s extra special.”

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