Where is Amritpal Singh? Khalistani Leader’s Escape Courts Questions, But No Answer from Cops
Where is Amritpal Singh? Khalistani Leader’s Escape Courts Questions, But No Answer from Cops
Amid all kinds of speculation that police had nabbed him in a raid on March 18 or soon after but were not declaring it, the Punjab government has now told the high court that Khalistani leader Amritpal Singh is not in their custody

From brave proclamations of not fearing arrest to making a sensational escape when the cops were on his tail, Khalistani leader Amritpal Singh is nowhere to be found even three days after a police crackdown on him, his aides and his supporters.


In CCTV footage released by police, the radical leader was last seen riding pillion on a motorcycle with new clothes, a pair of sunglasses and a swapped turban to mislead those on his trail. He is seen wearing a shirt and a pair of trousers instead of his flowing white robes, with his standard blue turban replaced by a pink one.

“There is nothing to fear about arrest… I’m not afraid of being arrested or even killed. If that was my concern, you know I wouldn’t be here where I am right now,” Amritpal had told News18 last Monday, sitting inside his fortified residence in Punjab’s Jallupur Khera village.

Amid all kinds of speculation that police had nabbed him in a raid on March 18 or soon after but were not declaring it, the state government has now told the high court that Amritpal was not in their custody. Now, the million-dollar question is: where is Amritpal Singh?

The events as narrated by police so far show that Amritpal has outsmarted them and seems to have a better escape plan than the one police had of arresting him. Different CCTV footage obtained by police between 11 am and noon from last Saturday show Amritpal at the Shahkot toll plaza, where his convoy of cars is seen and Amritpal is apparently seated in the front seat of his Mercedes SUV. Four other vehicles, including a Brezza, Isuzu and Endeavour, are also seen in the CCTV footage showing there were four vehicles.

More footage showed the police trap where two of these vehicles were waylaid but Amritpal managed to escape from the spot in his Mercedes along with the Brezza. Amritpal has also been spotted in another CCTV in Nangal Ambian village sitting in the rear seat of the Brezza, which is the only one visible, indicating that he had quickly changed his car from the Mercedes to the Brezza.

Amritpal’s uncle Harjit Singh, who was driving the Mercedes at the Shahkot toll plaza, later surrendered. According to police, before that, Harjit trespassed into sarpanch Manpreet Singh’s house in Uddowal villahe near Jalandhar and, at gunpoint, forced the family to give him shelter for two days.​

Amritpal is then seen in CCTV footage, emerging from the Brezza in a new look at Nangal Ambian village in Jalandhar. Police said he visited the village gurdwara where he changed and ate before fleeing again.

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