On World Nature Conservation day it is important to remember that as much as technological advancement transforms our lives, we will still remain a part of nature and depend on it for our survival. The occasion reminds us that conservation of nature is paramount for our planet’s health and the survival of the organisms that reside here. With the impending threat of climate crisis, and global warming, it is becoming clearer every day how short-sighted human activities are threatening nature and its natural ways.
Take this day as as inspiration to adopt a more natural lifestyle that will benefit your health as well:
Go on hikes and trekking instead of taking a gym membership which confines you in a concrete building with intimidating machines. Take a walk in a park, or if you are lucky take a walk among the woods or mountains on weekends.
Include more organic, natural produce in your diet. Instead of going for superfoods, or protein powders and other supplements, buy from your local farms and support organic farmers. Seek a balance in your diet with a larger portion coming from fruits and vegetables and less from grains. Include meats and healthy fats as well.
Take up hobbies that reconnect you with nature. Take some time off from your smartphone and laptop and indulge in some more earthly hobbies like gardening, or feeding the stray dogs. You can also just read a book out in the open and meditate.
Participate in activities where you interact with the members of the local community who share the same love for nature as you. Organise and carry out fun activities that take you back to nature along with fellow members. Instead of texting on WhatsApp groups, go out and meet a real group.
Take up activities that benefit the natural organisms around you. Keep a bird feeding stand with some food items for the birds near your house. Plant flowers for bees and observe their activities. A 2016 study has shown that taking up such activities increases a person’s happiness significantly.
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