What Is Bipolar Disorder? Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
What Is Bipolar Disorder? Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
It is a mental disorder due to which a person experiences extreme change in moods or energy levels. The change in mood levels vary from extremely elated or energised to sad or hopeless.

Have you ever experienced unusual shifts in mood, energy or activity levels in day-to-day life? If the answer is yes, then it’s about time you consulted a doctor as there are chances that you may be suffering from bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is nothing more than any more an illness, so don’t think twice to take some help.

Q.What is a bipolar disorder?

It is a mental disorder due to which a person experiences extreme change in moods or energy levels. The change in mood levels vary from extremely elated or energised to sad or hopeless. There are three types of bipolar disorder – Bipolar I Disorder, Bipolar II Disorder and Cyclothymic Disorder. In all the three types, a person goes through clear changes in mood and energy levels.

What are the causes of bipolar disorder?

According to the United Kingdom’s National Health Service, there is no clarity over the exact cause of the disorder. It may mainly happen either due to chemical imbalance in brain or number of genetic and environmental factors. The NHS says that bipolar disorder is widely believed to be the result of chemical imbalances in the brain. It reveals that a person may go through mania because of too high levels of noradrenaline or depression as a result of extremely low levels of the same chemical.

There are chances that someone could suffer from bipolar disorder if any of the family member also experience that. Physical illness, sleep disturbances or overwhelming problems in everyday life may also trigger bipolar disorder.

What are the treatments for bipolar disorder?

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, people suffering from bipolar disorder can lead active and healthy lives with the help of proper diagnosis and treatment. Treatment of the illness includes both medication and psychotherapy, also known as talk therapy. As it is a life long illness, its symptoms can be managed using medications, which include mood stabilizers and second-generation antipsychotics. Doctors also prescribe antidepressants for depressive episodes in bipolar disorder.

On the other hand, psychotherapy includes cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) and psychoeducation. Besides, people are also advised to do regular exercise and maintain healthy lifestyle.

Bipolar test

As such there is no test for bipolar disorder, but there are varieties of quizzes on the internet which can help ascertain if anyone is suffering from the illness. Even when you visit a psychiatrist, he asks a few questions to find out if you have bipolar disorder. They may also ask you to undergo physical tests for detecting underactive thyroid or an overactive thyroid levels.

Famous people with bipolar disorder

Famous personalities have also suffered from bipolar disorder. The list includes rap singer Honey Singh, legendary American actress Marilyn Monroe, actress Catherine Zeta-Jones and stage and film actress Vivien Leigh.

What is a person with bipolar disorder like?

A person with severe disorder may experience hallucinations or delusions. People may go through Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), anxiety, misuse of alcohol and drugs and eating disorders.

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