Winter has arrived, bringing in a lot of delightful dishes like sarso ka sag and gajar ka halwa. It is suggested that one should consume plenty of beneficial fats in the diet to avoid seasonal ailments such as cold and flu. Fish is believed to be a healthy addition to the diet and more so during the winters as it helps fight typical winter ailments.
In a chat with The Indian Express, Avni Sharma, nutritionist at HealthKart, said fish and its nutrients play an essential role in preventing typical winter ailments. Avni explained that the Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish, are a good source of nutrition and they also aid in the improvement of biological functions such as circulation and cognition.
The expert highlighted health benefits of purified fish oil:
Impurity free: Fish oil is devoid of pollutants, which are commonly found in water, hence it supplies the maximum health benefits.
Ultra Refined Omega 3: Oils are molecularly distilled from anchovies to generate highly purified mercury-free, Omega-3. The active form of Omega-3 fatty acid is found in around 84 per cent of fish oils.
Cholesterol: Fish oils have the ability to increase the healthy HDL cholesterol level in the body, and also lowers triglycerides by 15–30 per cent.
Enhances Organs’ Function: The omega-3 fatty acids improve brain functioning. It also improves the eye vision and aids in the treatment of various other common eye ailments.
Preserve your vision: The DHA present in fish oil protects the vision. DHA is naturally concentrated in the retina of the eye and promotes healthy retinal function.
Improves skin texture: Too much sun exposure damages the skin. However, fish oil supplements helps in maintaining healthy skin and also improved the skin texture
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