Pitru Paksha is a 15 lunar days period when Hindus pay homage to their ancestors, especially through food offerings. As per the religious scriptures, our ancestors descend on the earth during the Pitru Paksha period. During this time, the forefathers try to contact their descendants. During this contact time, the ancestors try to provide a signal to a family member or the head of the household. These signs indicate whether the ancestors are happy or angry with their family members. Some of these signs are auspicious and the others are not. An astrologer named Pandit Pankaj Pathak hailing from Narmadapuram has talked about these auspicious signs in an interview with the Local 18 Madhya Pradesh.
Some of these signs are-
1. A black cow coming to the devotee’s door during Pitru Paksha.
2. Crows coming to the house in the morning.
3. Arrival of black ants in the house.
4. Cow mooing at the door of the house.
5. When the withered plants in the house start blooming.
6. The descendants see their ancestors happy in dreams.
7. The devotees see a crow eating food.
The Narmadapuram-based astrologer Pandit Pankaj Pathak said that Pitru Paksha is considered an important phase in the Hindu religion. At this time, he said that many people perform different types of rituals for the salvation of their ancestor’s souls. As per the beliefs, it is believed to be necessary to perform the Pind Daan at this time. This provides relief from Pitra Dosh and all the life problems come to an end. Besides the pind daan, the devotees also perform the shradh, tarpan, and other rituals. The shradh rituals include offering food, water and prayers to the ancestors. The rituals are generally performed by the eldest son or a male member of the family.
According to the Hindu calendar, this year, the Shukla Paksha of Bhadrapada month started on September 17 at 11:44 am. It concluded on September 18 at 08:04 am. The Bhadrapada Purnima fast was observed on September 17. Based on the Udaya Tithi, Bhadrapada Purnima bath and donation were done on September 18. According to the Pandit, Shradh rituals were allowed to be done after 11:00 am on September 17, the day Pitru Paksha commenced.
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