Malaika Arora’s Yoga Trainer Shares 5 Asanas To ‘Promote Compassion’
Malaika Arora’s Yoga Trainer Shares 5 Asanas To ‘Promote Compassion’
Fitness experts have traditionally advocated the practice of yoga to flush the body of all toxins. Maliaka Arora's personal yoga instructor, recently posted on Instagram about "five asanas that encourage compassion."

Yoga is an ancient practice rooted in Indian philosophy. It not only has health benefits and aid with our body flexibility but also helps with mental health well-being. Yoga experts have always recommended practising it daily to remove all the toxins present in the body. Yoga is also promoted for helping in digestion and keeping your mind calm. Maliaka Arora’s personal yoga trainer Sarvesh Shashi has shared on his Instagram about “five asanas that promote compassion.”

The post excerpt read: “Open your heart to love, release harboured emotions, relieve fatigue and become connected to your breath with these asanas. To be more compassionate towards others and ourselves, try yoga.”

Let’s look at the asanas mentioned by Sarvesh and their benefits:

Ustrasana: Utrasana is also known as Camel Pose which reduces major body pains, and mental stress. It also stimulates thyroid glands and improves digestion. The asana opens the heart chakra that allows love, compassion and beauty to flow. It depends on the bond with others a makes you kinder and respectful.


Dhanurasana: The yoga asana helps to burn the extra calories in the body and helps with back pain. The pose stimulates both mind and body, the net result is exultation, awakening radiance, delight and compassion.


Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana: Udhrva Mukha Shvanasana also improves posture and strengthens the spine, arms and wrists. It also stimulated abdominal organs and reduces the risk of respiratory diseases and is therapeutic for asthma patients.

Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana
Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana

Shashankasana: Shashankasana also known as Hare Pose not only grows compassion within you but also soothes the brain’s nerves and aids mental illnesses like depression or other mental issues. The posture also keeps fatigued at bay.


Trikonasana: Trikonasana also helps to strengthen the legs, knees, ankles, arms and chest. It increases mental and physical equilibrium and helps to improve digestion and reduces anxiety, stress and back pain.



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